Highlights From Prophetic-School list: Index

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Highlights from
Prophetic-School List


Teresa Seputis


The Prophetic-School list is an e-mail community to further the prophetic gifting God is releasing among many of us. For more details on this list, see the Prophetic-School charter. If you would like to see short bios on the leadership core, click here.

Enclosed are a few articles from that list which that might be a blessing to you... There are many excellent articles from the prophetic-school list that I have NOT put on my WWW page. The choice of what articles I do or do not put on my WWW page are purely subjective... posts that really jump out at me... I hope you will be blessed by them...

Related Lists and Classes

  1. prophetic_word list Sharing relative or significant words to/for the body of Christ ...
  2. Prophetic-School Training 101 Basic "how-to" get started in the prophetic course.
  3. Prophetic-School Training 201 Intermediate prophetic course on hearing God's voice more clearly in ministry.
  4. Prophetic-School MiniSeries Index several teaching-series on the prophetic
  5. Prayer-School MiniSeries Index several short teaching-series on prayer and intercession


  1. Testing Prophecy (by Michael Gerner)
  2. More On Testing Prophecy (by Michael Gerner)
  3. The Threshing Floor (Mike McClung)
  4. New Question/Visions (Keith Gerner)
  5. The Messenger (Alison Papenfus)
  6. Our God is a Consuming Fire (Mike McClung)
  7. Prophetic Sign? (Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
  8. A Training Environment (Jim Wies)
  9. Prophets Being Rejected (Michael Gerner)
  10. Hermeneutics #2 (Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
  11. Prophetic Apostle (Jim Wies)
  12. On Changing Churches (Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
  13. More On Changing Churches (Chris Poole)
  14. Post Guidelines To Defeat a Spirit of Offense (Teresa Seputis)
  15. Unrealized Prophesies (Richard Lang)
  16. Hard Questions #4 (Jim Wies)
  17. Relationships & Prophets (Jim Wies)
  18. Ireland (Lorraine Robicheau)
  19. A Primer on "Hearing God's Voice" (Chris Poole)
  20. Prophetic Words in Church Meetings (Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
  21. Judgement Sweet As Honey (Wayne Barto)
  22. Regarding Visions (Teresa Seputis)
  23. Office of Prophet (Jim Wies)
  24. Angry With God? (Keith Gerner)
  25. 100% Accuracy? (Keith Gerner)
  26. Accountability & Responsibility (Donna Cox)
  27. Taking God's Power to the Streets (Victoria Bouler)
  28. Impartation (Jim Wies)
  29. Prophecy & The Mind (Mike Gerner)
  30. Regarding Words of Rebuke (Ben)
  31. A Word of Encouragement (Linda Maynard)


  1. Jubilee (Donna Cox)
  2. Disturbed by The Spirit (Carolyn Wies)
  3. Holiness (Teresa Seputis)
  4. Come (C.M.LaFrance)
  5. SUTL Dream (Brian Healy)
  6. The Eleventh Hour (Priscilla Reid)
  7. Year End Prophesies for 1997 (Gunner Johnston)
  8. Encouragement for 1998 (Chris Poole)
  9. Renewal Vision (Barry Linville)
  10. Greed (Donna Cox)
  11. Word For Intercessors (Michelle Sikma)
  12. The Earth Is the Lord's (Donna Cox)
  13. The Golden Sword (Carl R. Killingsworth)
  14. Winds of Change (Morris Ruddick)
  15. God's Treasury (Ramona Kline)
  16. Teams (Steve Snow)
  17. Go! (Laura Healy)
  18. Mistakes (Marilyn Britton)
  19. Be Encouraged (Teresa Seputis)
  20. Protection (Donna Cox)
  21. Change (Ron Mills)
  22. Refining Fire (Lisa-Anne Wooldridge)
  23. Sacrifice (Diane Eaton)
  24. The Spout of His Presence (Stacey Hardy)
  25. Can You See What I See? (Laura Healy)
  26. To a Higher Place (Sharon Turner)
  27. Arise (Donna Cox)
  28. Midnight - Healing from no other place (Adrienne Hawthorne)
  29. Four Things (Paul Bell)
  30. Shipwreck (Teresa Seputis)
  31. IRC Words (April 30, 1998)
  32. Embrace The Rain (Chris Christensen)
  33. Shaking (Chris Christensen)
  34. The Battle Begins (Chris Christensen)
  35. Release (Morris Ruddick)
  36. Liberty (Teresa Seputis)
  37. Prepare Your Hearts (Steve Lincoln)
  38. The Storm (Chris Christensen)
  39. Mill Wheel of Revival (Carol Zuriel)
  40. Choose This Day (Teresa Seputis)
  41. A New Wine (Fred Kelley)
  42. Fear Not (Steve Lincoln)
  43. A Season of Plenty (Psalm139)
  44. My Bride Is Not Ready (Karen Velez)
  45. Will You Pay the Price? (Jim Mellard)
  46. Packages (Steve Lincoln)
  47. The Fire of God (Steve Sobozenski)
  48. Choices (Donna Cox)
  49. Word for England (Teresa Seputis)
  50. The Plan (Vicky Karanicas)
  51. March Forth (Donna Cox)
  52. Build On the Rock (Holly Miller)
  53. Dividing Line (Angel Howard)
  54. God's People (Andrew Combe)
  55. Corporate Anointing (Teresa Seputis)
  56. God's Love (Andrew Combe)
  57. Listening (Donna Cox)
  58. Effective (Teresa Seputis)
  59. Open Doors (Teresa Seputis)
  60. Take the Land (Tanya Miller)
  61. Increase (Terry Ricklifs)
  62. Just Sharing (Donna Cox)
  63. Overcomers (Teresa Seputis)
  64. Another Log on the Fire (Patricia Persons)
  65. God's Army (Ching Co)
  66. Basic Foundations (Donna Cox)
  67. Stirring Pot (Ching Co)
  68. Words For 1999 (Jim Wies)
  69. The Weaving of God (Ching Co)
  70. Deeper (Joanie Thorsten)
  71. Why Do You Struggle? (Jo Ann Rhodes)
  72. Boot Camp and Victory (Teresa Seputis)
  73. Water More Precious than Gold (Kim Lewis)
  74. Humble Yourselves (Teresa Seputis)
  75. Prepared (Barbara Christopherson)
  76. Winds of Change (Donna Cox)
  77. What Part of 'Warfare' Don't You Understand? (Bob Hazlett)
  78. The Songs You Sing (Teresa Seputis)
  79. What Is Faith? (Teresa Seputis)

(For more recent words, please see our prophetic-word list **New (Nov 19, 1999)** )

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