Highlights From Prophetic-School list: Index
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Teresa Seputis
The Prophetic-School list is an e-mail community to further
the prophetic gifting God is releasing among many of us. For more details on
this list, see the Prophetic-School charter. If
you would like to see short bios on the leadership core,
click here.
Enclosed are a few articles from that list which that might be a blessing to
you... There are many excellent articles from the prophetic-school list that I
have NOT put on my WWW page. The choice of what articles I do or do not put on
my WWW page are purely subjective... posts that really jump out at me... I hope
you will be blessed by them...
Related Lists and Classes
prophetic_word list
Sharing relative or significant words to/for the body of Christ ...
- Prophetic-School Training 101
Basic "how-to" get started in the prophetic course.
- Prophetic-School Training 201
Intermediate prophetic course on hearing God's voice more clearly in
- Prophetic-School MiniSeries Index
several teaching-series on the prophetic
- Prayer-School MiniSeries Index
several short teaching-series on prayer and intercession
- Testing Prophecy (by Michael Gerner)
- More On Testing Prophecy (by Michael Gerner)
- The Threshing Floor (Mike McClung)
- New Question/Visions (Keith Gerner)
- The Messenger (Alison Papenfus)
- Our God is a Consuming Fire (Mike McClung)
- Prophetic Sign? (Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
- A Training Environment (Jim Wies)
- Prophets Being Rejected (Michael Gerner)
- Hermeneutics #2 (Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
- Prophetic Apostle (Jim Wies)
- On Changing Churches (Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
- More On Changing Churches (Chris Poole)
- Post Guidelines To Defeat a Spirit of Offense
(Teresa Seputis)
- Unrealized Prophesies (Richard Lang)
- Hard Questions #4 (Jim Wies)
- Relationships & Prophets (Jim Wies)
- Ireland (Lorraine Robicheau)
- A Primer on "Hearing God's Voice" (Chris
- Prophetic Words in Church Meetings (Jane
- Judgement Sweet As Honey (Wayne Barto)
- Regarding Visions (Teresa Seputis)
- Office of Prophet (Jim Wies)
- Angry With God? (Keith Gerner)
- 100% Accuracy? (Keith Gerner)
- Accountability & Responsibility (Donna Cox)
- Taking God's Power to the Streets (Victoria
- Impartation (Jim Wies)
- Prophecy & The Mind (Mike Gerner)
- Regarding Words of Rebuke (Ben)
- A Word of Encouragement (Linda Maynard)
- Jubilee (Donna Cox)
- Disturbed by The Spirit (Carolyn Wies)
- Holiness (Teresa Seputis)
- Come (C.M.LaFrance)
- SUTL Dream (Brian Healy)
- The Eleventh Hour (Priscilla Reid)
- Year End Prophesies for 1997 (Gunner
- Encouragement for 1998 (Chris Poole)
- Renewal Vision (Barry Linville)
- Greed (Donna Cox)
- Word For Intercessors (Michelle Sikma)
- The Earth Is the Lord's (Donna Cox)
- The Golden Sword (Carl R. Killingsworth)
- Winds of Change (Morris Ruddick)
- God's Treasury (Ramona Kline)
- Teams (Steve Snow)
- Go! (Laura Healy)
- Mistakes (Marilyn Britton)
- Be Encouraged (Teresa Seputis)
- Protection (Donna Cox)
- Change (Ron Mills)
- Refining Fire (Lisa-Anne Wooldridge)
- Sacrifice (Diane Eaton)
- The Spout of His Presence (Stacey Hardy)
- Can You See What I See? (Laura Healy)
- To a Higher Place (Sharon Turner)
- Arise (Donna Cox)
- Midnight - Healing from no other place (Adrienne
- Four Things (Paul Bell)
- Shipwreck (Teresa Seputis)
- IRC Words (April 30, 1998)
- Embrace The Rain (Chris Christensen)
- Shaking (Chris Christensen)
- The Battle Begins (Chris Christensen)
- Release (Morris Ruddick)
- Liberty (Teresa Seputis)
- Prepare Your Hearts (Steve Lincoln)
- The Storm (Chris Christensen)
- Mill Wheel of Revival (Carol Zuriel)
- Choose This Day (Teresa Seputis)
- A New Wine (Fred Kelley)
- Fear Not (Steve Lincoln)
- A Season of Plenty (Psalm139)
- My Bride Is Not Ready (Karen Velez)
- Will You Pay the Price? (Jim Mellard)
- Packages (Steve Lincoln)
- The Fire of God (Steve Sobozenski)
- Choices (Donna Cox)
- Word for England (Teresa Seputis)
- The Plan (Vicky Karanicas)
- March Forth (Donna Cox)
- Build On the Rock (Holly Miller)
- Dividing Line (Angel Howard)
- God's People (Andrew Combe)
- Corporate Anointing (Teresa Seputis)
- God's Love (Andrew Combe)
- Listening (Donna Cox)
- Effective (Teresa Seputis)
- Open Doors (Teresa Seputis)
- Take the Land (Tanya Miller)
- Increase (Terry Ricklifs)
- Just Sharing (Donna Cox)
- Overcomers (Teresa Seputis)
- Another Log on the Fire (Patricia Persons)
- God's Army (Ching Co)
- Basic Foundations (Donna Cox)
- Stirring Pot (Ching Co)
- Words For 1999 (Jim Wies)
- The Weaving of God (Ching Co)
- Deeper (Joanie Thorsten)
- Why Do You Struggle? (Jo Ann Rhodes)
- Boot Camp and Victory (Teresa Seputis)
- Water More Precious than Gold (Kim Lewis)
- Humble Yourselves (Teresa Seputis)
- Prepared (Barbara Christopherson)
- Winds of Change (Donna Cox)
- What Part of 'Warfare' Don't You Understand? (Bob
- The Songs You Sing (Teresa Seputis)
- What Is Faith? (Teresa Seputis)
(For more recent words, please see our
prophetic-word list
**New (Nov 19, 1999)**
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