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Originally from: "Gunnar M. Johnson" (New-Wine@worldnet.att.net) Trust my Holy
Spirit, who is at work in you, to bring to completion all the Father has
planned for you! This is a time of new opportunities and challenges. They
can only be met, as you yield yourself to my will and allow my Spirit to
direct you. The changes will be coming fast and furiously. It is only as
you remain in me and I in you, that you will be able to come through to
victory. I have already established what will be the outcome for it is
under the sovereign authority of the Father. He will bless you in it and
lift you up to the high places, where you can see beyond the horizon.
I Am your hope of glory and this will sustain you in all
things. Proceed with what I give you, totally relying on my Spirit to
show you the way! He will empower you to successfully accomplish all that
I place in your hands. There will be a fresh imparting of my presence in
your life. You will be released to flow in the river of my Spirit. It is
carrying you far beyond anything you could imagine. Your faith in me will
keep you going, even when the destination is not always clear. Be
surrendered to my love and receive my favor! They will make a way for you
in every circumstance.
Today, you will catch a glimpse of where you are in me. You will be
surprised and amazed at what is taking place. Set your sails so they can
catch the wind of my Spirit, as he begins to move again. There is a pause,
a resting time before it begins. Be still and hear my voice for I Am speaking
to you!
I have opened the door that no one can shut! I have set in
motion events that no one can control. It is the sovereign will of the
Father being done. He has set everything in order and he will complete
what he has begun. You are to wait and watch for what I will be calling
you to do. Trust me to guide you and to provide everything you will need
to accomplish what I give you to do.
In the meanwhile focus your heart on me and enjoy our fellowship together.
Listen to my voice and keep your options open. I will be changing the
direction of your life in to new channels that will bless you. You are being
trained in the things of the Kingdom for what is coming. You will begin to
step out in what I have prepared for you. It will unfold before you, as you
go. I Am establishing new patterns of serving and setting up new opportunities
to carry them out. I will bring together teams, who will carry some of the
burdens you have been carrying alone. You will not need to search for them,
they will be brought in to your life by my Spirit. Your response is to be
ready to act at any time, as my Spirit commands.
The light of my truth is breaking through to those who sit in
darkness. I Am opening doors of new possibilities for those, who believe.
I Am scattering the enemy and destroying his strongholds. I Am opening
the eyes of the blind and setting the captives free. Gone are the old
ways, which are falling in to disuse. The strategies that my Spirit will
give you are fresh and effective.
There is turmoil because I Am uncovering hearts and showing what is
hidden. This is necessary for their redemption. Unless you see the need,
you cannot receive the salvation. Pray for my wisdom and discernment at
all times! Know that my revelation is reality and it will set you free,
when it comes. I Am cleansing the hearts and renewing the minds of those
who turn to me. I have established a hope for you to cling to, in every
circumstance you encounter. Let the wind of my Spirit carry you for it
comes by the direction of the Father. The fire is also beginning to fall.
It will burn up the chaff and give a new zeal for my Kingdom. My love
will draw the lost and those who have fallen away. The Father is seeking
his own and only he truly knows who they are. He rules in compassion and
mercy. He unveils the depths of his heart to the forsaken and brings them
home. The sound from heaven is calling out to the nations and many are
coming in to our embrace.
My Spirit is gathering up the eagles and bringing them to the summit. He
will disperse them from there to the four corners of the earth. You are
called to be among them for I have anointed you, as one of them. This is
why the turmoil and the challenges to your faith. Rejoice for you shall stand
victorious in me! It is not by your power or ability, but by my Holy
Spirit that I will accomplish it all. Trust and obey me in what I tell
you! I Am opening a field of opportunities, where you will produce much
fruit in my Name. My hope will not disappoint you for I will complete in
you the good work that I began so long ago. Fix your heart on me and follow,
where I lead you! My Spirit in you will be like a burning fire igniting all
those around you.
The signs and wonders will accompany the declaration of my truth to confirm
it, in the eyes of those who will see it. It is my Spirit, who brings the
faith to receive what I Am revealing through you. Corporate structures of my
Body are about to be transfigured. All that was will be no more. Even my
people will be changed in to new wineskins in order to receive what I Am
pouring out. It will be a new day in every way for nothing will remain the
same. Throw yourself at my feet in complete submission to the Father!
Sow my seed
with love and my harvest will be guaranteed. Stretch forth your hand in
faith and watch my glory fall upon my people. The gates are open and the
multitudes are about to pour in to my fellowship of believers. Hearts are
being softened by the rain of my Spirit that is beginning
to fall.
I Am changing hearts and minds, so they will believe in me. My truth will
convince them without a doubt. The fire of my Spirit is coming to burn
away the false and to establish my righteousness. I will cast out all
fear and give you a confidence to step in to what I have prepared for
you. There is a fresh anointing coming that will empower you to carry out
mighty exploits in my Name. I Am rendering the enemy helpless in the
presence of my majesty.
I have set you apart for my purposes, therefore you are holy
to me! Yield everything to me and I will bring you to the fulfillment I
have for you. It is not your doing but my favor that will accomplish it.
You are my obedient servant and the apple of the Father's eye. He does
rejoice over you with singing and he pours out his blessing, day after
My Spirit has been establishing bridges that will cross the chasms of
division. He will
destroy the fears that have kept my people in bondage. The generations
will come together in the fullness of my presence. My glory will be seen
covering those who believe in me. Your times of worship will be deep
penetrations of the Father's love. As you open yourself to him, he will
fill you with his glorious majesty. Then the wave of my Spirit will come,
filled with his holiness and power.
The door I have opened awaits you! It will be at the right
time that you will step through in to the plan I have set for you. Rest
in the knowledge of who you are in me and I will direct your steps! I
have not left you and I never will. Proceed in the confidence that you
are my beloved and in me you will flourish! You have been planted firmly
in my truth and your roots go deep in to my Holy Spirit. He is the one
who stands guard over your life. He is leading you day by day in to the
fulfillment I have for you. Cast all your burdens on me, including all
the troubled people that cross your path. I will lovingly care for them
all. What is impossible for man is always possible for me.
Set in order the things that I give you. Take each one and lay
it out before me in prayer. I will establish your priorities and I will
supply everything you will need to complete them. There is a groundswell
happening in the ocean of faith that covers the earth. Reports of my
miracle working power will continue to come to you. Then you will see
them for yourself, as my presence grows stronger around you. My glory
will appear wherever you go for it will be my anointing upon you that
produces it. You are a servant of the Almighty One and he alone is your
sovereign. His authority rests upon you and you speak in his Name. Keep
your heart in submission to him!
My truth will come alive in you and free you for the
great day that is coming. Be aware of the tricks of the enemy, as I give
you discernment to see in to the dark places, as well. This move of my
Spirit will come like an avalanche, burying everyone in my joy. Critical
spirits will be banished from my people and my love will triumph in every
situation. Cast aside the grave clothes of despair and depression. I give
you the power to break these shackles and to loose their chains.
I Am stirring up my Spirit in you, as well as pouring him out around you.
My angels will abound with messages for the lost and encouragement for the
faithful. The defeated enemy will retreat before the onslaught of my
forces of righteousness. The blind will see my goodness revealed before
them. The lame will walk and the cripples will dance to my songs of
victory. The signs and wonders of my working will be manifested everywhere.
There will be no room for doubt, as the witness of my love is being expressed
throughout the earth. It is what you have been waiting for! Love, JESUS
Zelma Ann and Gunnar Johnson
Gunnar M. Johnson
Originally dated: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 15:33:56 EST
Holy Spirit Fellowship 274 Greenbrook Road Green Brook, NJ 08812
Tel. 732-968-6028
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