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Winds of Change

by Donna Cox

Originally from: Donna Cox <Saintdrc@aol.com>

Originally dated: 15 Mar. 1999

Winds of Change

Winds of change are once again upon you. ... Boisterous winds of change ...Infectious, combustible winds of change ...Pregnant, empowering, expanding winds of change ... Yea change is surely upon you. Those who choose to embrace my winds of change, shall be empowered to do mighty deeds.

I once spoke, "You shall do all that my son, Jesus did, and more." Well, this is the path to do "more." But there is a price. Yea, a price to be paid, even as my son suffered and died ...So too, must you die to your flesh.

In order to be freed up ... To be light enough to soar upon my winds of change, you must die to your "wants" and "desires," die to your "carnal nature." If you choose not die to the old man, you will find yourself weighted down, sluggish ... too heavy to soar. So sluggish many shall experience a falling away from my purposes and plans. Remaining forever tethered by the anchor of flesh.

Yet if you choose to pay the price, to die to your flesh, and embrace my winds of change, you shall be forever changed. For you shall experience a freedom from the cares of this world, such as you have never known. A freedom from sickness, disability, angst, defeat, deceit, and deception. You shall become combustible as well as contagious, for I shall empower you to ignite ... to infect ... others with the same passion burning deep within your bones. The passion to pursue me.

For only those who passionately pursue me will be given the ability to do all that my son Jesus did ... and more.

His servant,

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