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by Donna Cox

Originally from: Donna Cox <Saintdrc@aol.com>

Originally dated: 1 Jul. 1998

This is what God spoke to me, as I was spending time with him today.

This is indeed a day of jubilation for I am about doing all that you have asked for, cried out for..You say, "More Lord"..."I want more of you."..Well, I am here, and you shall indeed feel My presence giving you more...

But how will you receive it?

Yes, children ... How will you receive the "more of me you have asked for?" Will you embrace the fire of My presence as it reveals the hidden areas of your life? Will you recognize My presence by inviting My fire in, to burn away the hidden areas? Or will you turn Me aside..saying..that can't possibly be of you Lord?? For children this is a day of choice... You will not gain more of Me, unless you are willing to die to more of your flesh. I am here... here willing to give you all you have asked for... longed for.

Are you willing to pay the price to gain it?

You have asked for Holiness, and this is the price...You must decrease and I must increase in your lives. I am willing ..Willing to take you higher...higher ..and yet still higher with Me.... Are you willing to pay the price?

The choice is yours.

His servant,

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