Prophetic-School Words: To a Higher Place

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To a Higher Place By Sharon Turner

Originally from: Sharon Turner <>
Originally dated: Thu Apr 16, 1998

[Originally given in Prophetic-School AOL chatroom (Stretching 101")]

For, lo, I have called each of you to this higher place in Me...

and as you ascend, it will come with much laying aside
of all that is of your carnal nature...

much dying to self and self's will...

some of you are even now in the valley of decision
at the crossroads in places in your life

choose life this day...

My life
and lay aside your life

And the connections with this present realm

There are many things I have yet to speak to you
to show you, wonderful, mighty things that you have
not even dreamed of yet...
but it will cost you everything
for you see, I am the Pearl of great price...

I give each of you
the grace and strength to walk fully into Me...
but in order to do this, you must fellowship with My sufferings
for in this you will know Me....and there is no other way...

Some of you here, will stop at some point..when the pain is great
I implore you, embrace the pain, and walk on
trusting in Me, I will hold your hand
and see you through to My glory
for you are a chosen vessel unto Me

Which shall you be?
A vessel of honor? Or a vessel of dishonor?
I call you now to consider
to count the cost...for it is great...but I am worthy
and I will show you the hidden riches
for I am your exceeding great reward
and I desire you to be my Friend in truth.

I love you with an everlasting love...a love that cannot
be touched except with the joy or the pain of your decision
before Me....

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