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Originally from: Patricia Persons <mpp@proaxis.com>
Originally dated: 29 Oct. 1998
I felt God is saying, there are many experiencing the fire and testing of
the Lord.
Keep our focus on Me, for as I put in the fuel (logs) for the burning of the
flesh and the sinful nature in you, I am purging and chastening those that I
love..... do not be afraid of this, but trust in My grace to keep you.. for I
am purifying you of the "tendencies" to judge others when you have a
log in your own eye....and it will be uncomfortable, as it will be exposed and
others will see.
But, do not be discouraged as you see the smoke curling up into My face, and do
not think that you are displeasing to Me in this process... for I am the one
who initiated this process, and I am the one who will carry it through to
completion. I will purge you until you think there is nothing left but ashes,
all your dreams and aspirations will seem all but lost, but remember the times
when you thought you could never be perfected? Remember those times when you
felt like a hopeless case? That is not the case with My children, I am calling
you to draw near as you can to Me during these times, for it is imperative that
you be near to My heart, to be assured of My love for you..
There are times when you feel lost, but never think I am disillusioned with
you, for I see the beginning from the end, and I am going to give you beauty
for your ashes, and you will be the glorious Bride that I promised to My
Son....I am doing it! Do not be discouraged or dismayed for I am always with
you, and will always be there for your strengthening and encouragement...
I am drawing you into My presence, to pour out on you My love overflowing, that
will captivate your heart and transform you into that which you never thought
In Him,
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