Prophetic-School: Judgement Sweet As Honey

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Judgement Sweet As Honey

Wayne F. Bartow

Originally from: <>

Originally dated: Mon, 04 May 1998

I was not going to respond to this subject until Susan Lowe sent the note below into the list. She describes what the Lord spoke to me about the "honey" subject line. The righteous judgements of the Lord are to be desired as honey for the word says they are in fact sweeter "than honey and the honeycomb". We should pray for the righteous judgements of the Lord to enter our lives, our families, our churches, our communities, etc. The Body of Christ has misunderstood the judgements of the Lord to their detriment. If we really believed and trusted in the Father's goodness and His desire to see us set free of all that entangles us, we would welcome His judgements. Psalm 19:9-11 says "The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward."



Bill & Susan Lowe wrote:

Originally from: "Bill & Susan Lowe"
Originally dated: Sat, 02 May 98 11:54:11 PDT

This is the first time that I have contacted this school, although I have been an avid reader of many postings and the Lord has blessed me through everyone's sharing of insights. I did not read the original "honey" prophecy as I've been away, but I've read many contributions on the subject since.

I felt the Lord impressing three scriptures about honey to me, which to my knowledge have not been shared yet. (Forgive me if they have and I've missed them). They refer to eating the scroll.

Ezekiel is instructed to eat the scroll - God's word - in Chapter 3. The scroll "tasted as sweet as honey" in his mouth but reading on we see that there is a cost to Ezekiel. The scroll contained a hard word to be spoken and a prophetic act to be performed that was not easy for Ezekiel.

Revelation 10:9-11 also speaks of eating the scroll, and the scroll here also tasting "as sweet as honey". But again we see that it led to the prophetic word having to be spoken. The taste turned sour as words of future suffering were spoken out.

It seems that God's words, as sweet as honey, are His prophetic words to His people - words which often involve rebuke, suffering and news of impending judgement and wrath.

Proverbs 25:6 warns us that when we find honey we are only to eat "just enough - too much of it and you will vomit" (N.I.V.) So while honey can indicate sweetness (Ps. 119:103) and bring understanding, one must be prepared for that understanding to lead to prophetic utterance which may involve sacrifice, suffering and hardship.

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