Prophetic-School Words: Can You See What I See?

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Can You See What I See? (Laura Healy)

Originally from: Laura Healy (
Originally dated: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 11:51:05 -0600

Can you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Can you know what I know?

My children... I see things that you do not see.
I hear things that you do not hear.
I know things you know not of.
In this hour I am calling you to go deeper in faith and in trusting Me.

I am about to do things you have not seen before.
I am about to do things you have not heard before.
I am about to do things you have never even thought of before.
I am about to reveal the desires of My heart... in your lives, in the lives of those around you -- even in the nations of the earth.

Let all men now turn and look upon Me -- let them gaze upon the One whom they pierced.
Let all men everywhere come and hear me -- let them speak the gospel of My Son.
Let all men come and know Me -- let them see Me as I really am.

Call to the nations,
Call to the nations,
Call to the nations,
Preach the gospel of My Son.
Let the nations know I am calling to them -- I am calling for them to come.

My eyes see the nations,
My ears hear the nations,
I know the heart of every man.
My heart is for the nations.
So I send My Spirit out to walk among the nations.
Looking for those who will see Me,
Calling to those who will hear Me,
Searching for those who will know Me.

Can you see the nations?
Can you hear the nations?
Can you know what I am about to do among the nations?

I am calling for your heart to be broken for the nations.

Laura Healy

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