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by Joanie Thorsten

Originally from: Joanie Thorsten <JT1159@aol.com>

Originally dated: 9 Feb. 1999

I'm calling you deeper - deeper than you've ever been.
Deeper into intercession for My Body -so broken and bruised.
Deeper into that place where I can reveal mysteries to you.
My Children, I am calling you to that place where our hearts can beat as one -where you become an extension of who I AM.
Don't look to the left or to the right in these days of many distractions - in the days of wars and rumors of wars, disruptions in the heavens & the earth - but keep your eyes on Me.
Live in Me. Grow in Me. For I am all that you need.
Many come to Me and ask Me,
"What - what is coming my way, Lord?" and
"When - when shall all this take place?"
But I say instead your prayer should be
"Lord, prepare me for I put my trust in You."
I have loved you with an everlasting love, and My Word is true.
(at this point Psalm 91 specifically came to mind).
I do not abandon those that I love. And I will not abandon you.
See the fields? Already becoming ripe?
Some of you will be sent into those fields
- some will be sent to minister to those who ARE sent into those fields
- to bring them encouragement like a cup of cold water to refresh them.
For My power is going to go forth in a mighty way
and the harvest shall be brought in-
but it is required of those stewards of My anointing to be found trustworthy.
And who is one who is trustworthy? It is one who loves me with the same passion and zeal with which I love them. And no greater love is there than this -
that a man lay down his life for another.
So as you enter into this laying down of your self-life -
your opinions, your ambitions, your desires, your impure motives and attitudes, yes, even your feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness -
and become clothed in repentance and humility,
keep your eyes on Me (just as Stephen did even when he was being stoned to death), and I will give you the grace you need.
Pray for one another. And encourage one another in this.
Love one another as I have loved you,
and you shall surely see the days of the "greater things."

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