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by Teresa Seputis

Originally from: Teresa Seputis <TeresaS@xc.org>

Originally dated: 29 Oct. 1998

The Lord says
My children look to Me.
Don't think that I do not know your situation...
...for I am with you
...and you are continually before my eyes
...and my hand is with you at all times.
And when difficult things happen;
trials and temptations and
even being treated poorly by ones you trusted,
know that I am there with you
and I am bearing you up in my hand.
And not a single one of your tears escapes My notice.
For I love you and I am with you.
Yet I would say to you:
..dry your tears
..wipe your eyes
..wash your faces
..put on my garments of praise
..for you can wear them anytime, not just when the going is good
For I would have you be a people who worships Me
and a people who looks to Me..
And you will see My glory come forth in the midst of difficult situations.
For was it not I who lead Israel out from the bondage of Egypt,
and allowed them to be backed against a sea.. with an army in hot pursuit.
Was I dismayed at their circumstance?
No, I was not.
For I opened the sea and I made a way for them.
And I am opening the sea before you, My people.
And I am parting the waters that surround you.
And I am making a way for you.
But you must look to Me.
Keep your eyes on Me so that you will see when I am moving
and you will go forth with Me
and You will go forth in My power
and in My glory.
In the world this will be a season of great tribulation.
But it is NOT a season of defeat or woe for my people,
for you shall go forth in My power,
in My victory.
I myself shall lead you and I shall guide you on My paths.
So look to Me, My people.
Be prepared for victory for I have given the battle into your hand.
Yes, you must fight.
You must rise up as one and take up My armor and fight..
..and you will see your enemy fall before you
..and you will see My glory go forth
..and you will see My victory surround you.
For I have decreed VICTORY over My people.
And My people shall overcome in My name.
So look to Me and rejoice,
for your day of victory is at hand.

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