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Choose This Day

by Teresa Seputis

Originally from: Teresa Seputis <TeresaS@xc.org>

Originally dated: 4 Jun. 1998

Choose This Day
Thursday, June 4, 1998

The restlessness that is upon you is My spirit stirring you
to never be content with where you are in Me;
but to always be pressing onwards
being conformed to My image.

For I have a destiny on you...
and I am stirring you to move toward that destiny.
You are not to park yourself at any one step of the journey
but to always be pressing on with Me...
stirred by My spirit
moving at My leading
pressing onwards to the path I have put before you.

Keep walking foward with Me
for I am moving on
and if you stop and park yourself,
you will be left behind...
So take My hand and keep walking with Me.
Do not be content in past laurels.
Do not look to yesterday's accomplishments.
For I am moving today;
I am doing fresh things today,
and I invite you to do them with Me.

I invite you to take My hand and walk with Me,
always pressing onwards,
always conforming to My plan.

For I am looking for those who will go with me.
My eyes are running to and fro
among the sons (and daughters) of men...


for those who will go with Me...
for those who will leave their comfort zones
and walk with Me where I am walking.

Child I am calling you by name ...
take My hand ...
walk with Me
where I am going today.
Do with Me what I am doing today.
And you will see my glory surround you.
And you will see my power come forth.
Choose this day to walk with Me.
Choose this day to do what I am doing.

Child, the choice is yours...

choose wisely
but choose this day.

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