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Originally from: Carol Zuriel <zuriel@inficad.com>
Originally dated: 3 Jun. 1998
I wish to share with all of you a prophecy given by our Pastor, Glenn
Foster, of Sweetwater Church of the Valley (Glendale, AZ) on May 5, 1998:
IN THE FINAL DAYS OF THIS CENTURY, and in the final days of the church age,
revival shall become the main theme of all parts of the kingdom. The apostles,
prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers will all concede and give one
voice with one effort to bring forth the divine choice of revival in the
It is springtime they will say, It is springtime throughout the whole Earth.
There'll be no place without the rain of the Spirit. The word of the Spirit
that came from Joel's lips continues to go before the church,... I will pour
out my Spirit upon all flesh.
The amazing consequence of this prophecy is that it has carried the infant
church from the day of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, (in Acts 2), unto this
very hour, in the spread of the revelation of the knowledge of the glory of the
Lord, that God will, in the last days, restore all the gifts, authority, and
power to the followers of Jesus Christ, ...
THEREFORE, let the churches prepare....
I am changing gears, but I'm not slowing down, I am moving into a more
comprehensive declaration of revival, but I'm not in any wise taking away from
what I've already started. I'm not stopping something I've started, to start
something never known of before. I'm blending more and more of the Gospel into
the revival message. By the time I'm done, the entire book of Genesis to the
book of Revelation, will be the instruments that contain the coals of fire for
revival in all the Earth.
So stand beside the river and watch the Spirit move. Watch the surges, ...
There's a lot of shifting going on..... There will be some weeping and howling
as some, thinking they were about to be promoted, discovered they're being
given a fresh commission to go back to work at the same position, for which
many will weep and sorrow. But I will turn their mourning into dancing, and I
will turn their weeping into rejoicing when they come to the knowledge that the
seed they sowed in tears, they are now going to reap in joy.
So get ready, O church, for tomorrow is here, and today is a day like never
before. Just hold steady. ...
I chose this day to reveal my glory, because all men are disappointed in their
morning. They thought a new day would mean they would have a new place, and
they would have special privileges; but instead, they have more responsibility.
What are we going to say to these things? ... River of God, keep surging on....
As soon as the prophets of Baal laid dead, the God of Elijah opened His mouth
and said, Away with Baal! Away with pleasure living!.... Return, return to the
altar, and pray seven times a day, watching for the cloud, because that is
where the revival comes in this way.
A little cloud appears while in prayer, but as one runs to the celebration, way
off down there, Mt. Carmel seems so high, so broad, who could get down in time
to be part of the throngs?
But Elijah out-ran the chariots. I tell you, in this day those who want to run
from God will not be able to run fast enough. Those who want to run for God
will out-run anybody that has ever run before. ..
Revival is in the air...
... Who is ready to put his hand to the oar, and row with the boat, headed
toward shore? Who is ready to carry a bag, or two, or ten, filled with ground
wheat to distribute throughout the land to hungry men? You see, the revival
that's coming is going to feed the hungry. It's going to bring salvation and
the message of deliverance....
The revival is here, so go ahead and clear out the dead wood. Wake up the
sleeping ones. Tell them there's only two ways to run...either run to God, or
run from His presence. You know what happened when Jonah ran from His
presence...he fell into the midst of a great storm and was left in the belly of
the whale, ...
Did I hear his prayer? Did I revive his soul? Did I have him spit out of the
deep to go and let the message be told? Forty days... Repent or destruction
will come.
You see, when it's revival time, it's responsibility day, also. When it's
revival time, men are held accountable for their deeds. ...
O Pilgrim, on your journey, get up and be glad... Revival fires are falling at
last. Never be negative from this hour on. Never say any church cannot get on
with the business of revival. never say they're going down hill, they'll soon
be gone,...
... Revival comes by the revelation of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
to those who seek God with all their heart.
There's another move coming,...
The message is clear, Get back to your post, because the hour for which we've
prayed is now there. Don't go running after a renegade...just know that I will
meet him at the other side of the hill. And will he ever be surprised when I
bend his will, and say, GO, get over there. With his will bent toward my plan,
he'll end up in his spot just at the right moment.... So Don't Be Worried About
Your Brother...his times are in my hands. Just make sure you are yielded, no
matter what the weather. Because this is the time which you have all sought
for. I will melt down the mountains at my presence, and the valleys shall flow
with milk and with honey, says the Lord."
God Bless you all.
Submitted by: Carol Zuriel
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