Prophetic-School Words: Teams

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Teams (Steve Snow)

Originally from: "Steve Snow" (
Originally dated: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 15:49:44 +0930

The Lord has created friendship and bonds and He will use these bonds in times ahead. Value the bonds that have been created for the Lord will form intercessory teams that will strengthen places that are weak.

"Expand your horizons" says the Lord, "stretch your vision beyond your own smallness and see beyond even your own town or nation for I am raising up teams, teams of 'nobodies' - nobodies in yourselves, nobodies as far as title goes, but of great value and worth to Me," says the Lord.

The teams shall breaks bondages and shall see revival ushered in by their prayer, intercession and prophecies.

I also felt a warning - not to abandon your local church - put the local church first for as the training comes to an end, some will feel as though their task is over. The Lord says, "it's only just beginning. Prophets have been born during this time, although some may never have the title. It's time to yield, seek My face and give yourselves to Me says the Lord. Though you shall not see recognition, know this that the task ahead for many will result in major changes throughout the world. Seek not titles or recognition for even your local Pastor may not recognise your ministry but serve faithfully and look to Me. That which is within will be used."

S. J Snow

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