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Words for 1999

by Jim Wies

Originally from: Jim Wies <jimmy@cornerstonemin.org>

Originally dated: 28 Dec. 1998

Prophetic words regarding the new year.
Given 12/27/98 at Cornerstone Church, DeFuniak Springs, Florida

(Pat Barker)
I saw clearly that the Lord is releasing angels and His Spirit to guide and lead us. And the Lord says "Surely you have come to the river Jordan, and surely I have appropriated the way over," says God, "but as surely, it will take an act of free will to cross over. For surely, I'm not going to force you. But I'm going to guide you and I'm going to lead you" says the Lord.

And I saw very clearly that the Lord is releasing tutors. I heard the word "tutors" to assist us. The Lord says "I'm releasing my angels and my Holy Spirit to assist in every decision you make. "And so", the Lord says "just be willing and obedient and surely I will guide you and I will lead you with my Word and my Spirit in the days to come."

And the Lord says "I'm surely placing people in places of leadership, and in places where they can do the most impact against the kingdom of darkness". So the Lord says "be attentive to My voice". "For in the days ahead, I'm going to be speaking very clearly, and you will witness that it is of Me". And the Lord says "It will even bypass things that you would even sense in the natural, but I say, listen to Me closely for I'm going to take welfare and full fatherhood responsibility over you. Listen and I'll be speaking to you clearly and I'll not disappoint you. So turn to Me as never before and I'll show you a more excellent way".. says the Lord.

(Carolyn Wies)
I believe the Lord is saying "This is going to be a day and an hour, believe it and so shall you prosper, doubt it... and it is going to happen anyway." The Lords says, "The release of power is now upon you." The Lord says, "The release of miracles is upon you. And the day and the time is now, for the release of that which you have longed for and you've hoped for is upon you.

"But you have been in a waiting mode for so long that if you are not careful you will continue to wait and you will miss the day of the appointment". The Lord says "Now is the day of the appointment, now is the day and the hour to open up and receive". The Lord says "There is going to be a release of finances to you." The Lord says "This year there is going to be a release of the inheritance promised, there will be a release of miraculous financial intervention". The Lord says "Surely it will come. For the windows of heaven have stopped over this place and this region. For those who have been faithful, and those who have been laboring, and those who have been diligent", the Lord says, "I am coming to give to you what I have decided before the foundations, to do for you. So open up your hearts and begin to receive now the promise of the day of power that is upon you, the promise of the day of release of financial provision that is upon you. The Lord says surely it will come, and surely it is now here. Open up your arms to receive and embrace it." The Lord says "Now, do something symbolically to begin to receive the active word of the Lord that is good for you."

The Lord says "Now there will be an opening of the door to ministries that you have not been able to get into before". The Lord says, "Now there will begin to be a release of that appointed hour and I will begin to cause men to respect, and cause men to trust that appointment that I have put on the inside of you". The Lord says, "Now the anointing, the alabaster boxes, shall be broken, and the fragrance that is within shall be tasted." And the Lord says "It shall be respected and it shall not be humiliated before the eyes of men any longer. The Lord says "I simply will not tolerate that any more".

For the Lord says "There is a treasure inside earthen vessels in the midst of my church, each one of you bearing the treasures of the Most high God. And as you allow yourself to come forth, to be broken, to let fear be broken off of you, so that the fragrance and the ointment within can come forth - to allow intimidation to no longer rule you, that the fragrance within might come forth - that you will no longer allow waiting for someone else to give you an invitation, to hold you back; but you will allow yourself to be broken and to be poured forth this year.

For the Lord says it is a year for extravagance. It is a year to be extravagant in your service. It is a year to be extravagant in your giving, extravagant in your obedience, extravagant in the pursuit of things upward in your calling, extravagant in laying hands upon the sick, extravagant in believing Me to do and perform the miraculous in your midst" says the Lord. "It is a year to be extravagant!" says the Lord.

"Rise up now and be extravagant and watch Me perform the signs and the wonders in your midst that I long to do. For there is an appointed time. Behold you have waited and I declare to you today it is the appointed time. Let it be released!" The Lord declares, "Let it be released - and so it is done in heaven, now receive it on earth. And let your hearts begin to believe and dare to rise up to receive those things for which this day is appointed.

Prayer: - We will receive those things that You have promised, Lord. I open my heart and I open my arms to receive those things Lord. I receive the promise of the impartation for the miraculous. I receive, Lord, the impartation for extravagant living in the Kingdom of God. Extravagance in character, extravagance in faith, extravagance in giving, extravagance in serving, extravagance in both spending and being spent for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Amen.

(Jim Wies)
The Lord says "This will be a year as well, of great breakthrough in regard to personal calling and purpose, for promotion is at hand. This is a year of promotion," says the Lord. "For I am about to promote you into a new level of servanthood; into a new level of being spent for the gospel; into a new level of service unto the King. For surely you will see the opportunity and many of you will take the opportunity to sew yourselves into that which is eternal - to give yourselves unto that which will accrue for you eternal reward in Heaven" says the Lord.

"For this is the time, this is the appointed time for promotion. Many of you will see fresh promotion; will even see things beyond what you would have dreamed or expected. For I am about to move quickly within My church. And the fields around about you are ripening unto harvest, and I'm about to move swiftly, and My appointed time and My season is upon you" Says the Lord.

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