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Originally from: icm@icmi.org (Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon)
Originally dated: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 07:13:59 -0400
Thought I'd run something by you all regarding interpretation of prophetic
words. How much is interpretation influenced by our life experiences?
Today, Andy and I spent a very pleasant morning with another couple from
the next town. He is the pastor of a large church there. We have ministered
together on many occasions, and love to bounce ideas off each other, etc.
They have a very tried and tested prophetic ministry which is much valued
in this area.
They had just spent a week at a 'Celebration' with other churches who are
within their particular network. The weather had been poor and one day they
had been on a very severe Tornado watch, which resulted in several hundred
being crammed together in a large cellar!
Once back at home this pastor had gathered together those within his church
who are prophetic to see if the Lord had spoken during the tornado. . .the
words they received were that the Lord was 'gathering' together. Before
this time the teenager, children etc had all been in separate groups. It
spoke significantly to them about families etc.
Now this particular church's main emphases are on family and covenental
relationships (and have been for many years). Therefore they interpreted
words through that particular paradigm. I was feeling that given the same
circumstances we would have interpreted a 'tornado' in very different ways
(I realise. of course, that I can't possibly know how God may have spoken).
But given the paradigm I would view it through, (which would be very much
through renewal where the symbols of wind, fire, water have become very
powerful) there would certainly have been a very different premise whilst
listening for God to speak.
I'm not looking here at whether a particular interpretation is 'right' or
'wrong', but simply how much our own experiences, history, viewpoints etc
actually frame the way interpretation is perceived and received.
The point of this being that we all need to become aware of the assumptions
and presuppositions which we bring to interpretation.
Blessings, Jane
Andy and Jane Fitz-Gibbon; Co-directors, In Christ Ministries
Email: ICM@icmi.org World Wide Web: http://www.icmi.org/
USMail: In Christ Ministries Inc. P.O. Box 4973, Ithaca, NY 14852 Phone: (607)
UKMail: In Christ Ministries Trust P.O. Box 27, Hexham, Northumberland,
NE46 3RD
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