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Take the Land

by Barb Miller

Originally from: Barb Miller <tg.miller@pei.sympatico.ca>

Originally dated: 20 Oct. 1998

This past week-end, We received a similar word to what Andrew gave. The context of the word was:

Stand Fast,
I have called you as My Warrior Bride,
Stand Fast,
There are new revelations to be revealed.

As I was praying and meditating on this, I received this word.

Arise, and fight for victory is at hand, as you go forth into battle, My Children
Do not be afraid of the terrors by night,
Nor the dangers of the day,
Nor of the plague that stalks in darkness,
Nor of the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand are dying around you,
These evils will not touch you.

Arise, Arise and fight, for I am raising up warriors
Who will fight in the fray and not be afraid.
I, the Lord, Your God, Stand beside you and fight with you.

Call unto Me, and I will answer, I will show you the paths to take.
I will show you the weapons to use.
For I have called you as mighty men and women of war.
Cast off the grave clothes that have kept you bound.
Cast them aside, for I have given you My authority,
To trample on snakes and scorpions, and all the power of the enemy,
And nothing shall harm you.

Step into the fray, for I, the Lord am Mighty,
I am Powerful,
I am the Victory, as you submit your lives to Me.
Do not be afraid,
Do not be afraid,
But Stand up and fight, for as you do,
You will take back the land the enemy has stolen from you.

To do this, you must shake off the fear and unbelief.
Great is your reward, as you take up your shield and sword against the enemy.
For I will take you to new places in Me, that you can't comprehend.
Just as the two spies, Joshua and Caleb, saw the giants in the land,
They saw with the help of the Lord, and by following His direction, and His counsel,
They could take the land. They saw the Victory.

Remember to seek My wisdom and My counsel, as you fight the enemy.
My Wisdom and Counsel are very important.
For as you trust in Me,
You will inherit the land, that I direct you to take.

Blessings to all,
Barb Miller

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