Prophetic-School: A Word of Encouragement
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Originally from: <>
Originally dated: Tue Jan 5 16:41:41 1999
I have been having more and more times that I just cry and KNOW it is not MY
sadness But the Lord in Me!
Just yesterday I was eating in a restaurant and a very heavy gentleman walk in
and sat alone. I only mention his weight to say was because of his
weight that the Lord drew my attention to him He reminded me of my Dad who died
a few years ago.(my Dad was a big man) Now in the past, I would have thought my
sadness was entirely due to losing my dad but God in this past year has
revealed how my sensitivity to people and situations has been Him ALL ALONG.
All of a sudden I was OVERWHELMED by the loneliness of this man and I started
to cry. I said to my husband I have to go up and say something to him.....but
So (with knees shaking and heart pounding) I went up to his table and said hi
and told him that he reminded me of my dad. He responded weakly but he could
not look at me..face to face ...he more or less kept his head down the whole
time. He asked me how old my dad was and I said 78 and asked him how old he was
and he said 55. (I was shocked as he looked tired and worn and much older)...I
asked him his name and he said Donald and I told him mine. He said everyone has
a twin they say. I left him saying have a good day. I went into the Ladies Room
and I felt the Lord wanted to encourage this man more . So the Lord "sent
me back"......I said "Don you may think I am crazy but I just want
you to know the Lord says you are a good man. He smiled a faint smile and for
that moment in time Donald was not that lonely man anymore. I felt like heaven
stood still and smiled on Don and I in the middle of Denny's.
My husband and I had to leave but I said to my husband we can never let anyone
sit alone in a restaurant again.
I believe the Lord is increasing for all of us these divine encounters in the
ordinairiness of our day.
These tears were totally unexpected-God given-passion and love for the lost
dying lonely world in which we live. On Saturday those tears had a name and
their name was Donald.
I thank God today for my tears today. I lived a WHOLE life of being ashamed of
them (I felt I was weak and bad) not realizing that the Lord cries through His
children. This is the way the Lord created me and I now rejoice in it. So I
sometimes cry with understanding (I ask the Lord and He gives me insight) and
at other times (maybe like you) without understanding.(it is just a knowing
that He is using me.) I have also prayed for people weeping knowing that I am
crying their tears that they are unable to express. I feel it a privilege that
the Lord would express Himself through me.
I ask the Lord to bless your gift and your sensitivity to Him....I just sense
that you see and hear things others may miss and I just wanted to encourage you
in this wonderful expression of God's heart.
In the Lamb
Linda Maynard