Teresa's New Millennium Testimonies Index
New Millennium Testimonies Index
by Teresa Seputis
This is various testimonies, insights, etc. of what God has been doing
in my life and things He has been teaching me. This collection
of testimonies will "grow" over the year as God continues to do things in
my life and I continue to write them up. (He is always up to something
This page will also include guest testimonies of people somehow touched by
my life or ministry..
There is a testimonies list named
his-walkwhere you can read testimonies (from myself and others) of how
we are learning to walk out His Lordship in our day-to-day lives. Most of
the testimonies on this page come from that list.
- Three Tests and Three Confirmations (Jan 2, 1000)
- GUEST TESTIMONY (by Connie Seaward)
- God Moves At A Prophetic Class (Jan 24, 2000)
- Father Knows Best (Feb 2, 2000)
- True Riches (Feb 13, 2000)
- He even takes care of the little things
(Mar 11, 2000)
- God Ministers In Seemingly Routine Situations
(March 13, 2000)
- Learning A New Lesson (Mar 22, 2000)
- A Divine Appointment (Mar 22, 2000)
- A Sad and Sobering Experience (Mar 23, 2000)
- Grace (Mar 26, 2000)
- GUEST TESTIMONY (by Dorothy Goodman)God Breaks In
At School
- Another Trust Lesson (April 5, 2000)
- Experiencing the Benefits of Intercessory Prayer
(May 23, 2000)
- Enlarge Our Capacity to Receive (June 18, 2000)
- GUEST TESTIMONY (by Sarah Worthing) Blessings
- The Second Time Around (June 30, 2000)
- "God is Stretching You"(Aug 4, 2000)
- The Holy Spirit Takes Over The Service At Elmhurst
Baptist Church (Sept 3, 2000)
- God Takes Care Of Me -- Twice In One Day!! (Oct 3
to 4, 2000)
- GUEST TESTIMONY (by Jane Larsen)
Blessing In A Dry Time (Oct 4, 2000)
- God Opens the Door (Oct 26, 2000)
- My Book Is Published!(Mar 23, 2001)
- God Uses The Book To Make Opportunities To Share
The Good News(Mar 26, 2001)
- God Uses The Book .. Again! (Mar 28, 2001)
- Guest Testimony (by Heather Sanders)
Rattlesnake (May 24, 2001)
- Household Salvation (May 25, 2001)
- Bookham Prophetic Conference Trip Report
(May 30 - June 4)
- God's Sense of Humor (June 20 and June 22, 2001)
- A Nice Dream (Sep 6, 2001)
- A Vision Of Sorts(Nov 13, 2001)
- Being Undone(Nov 22, 2001)
- His Amazing Presence (Jan 6, 2002)
- An Eye Opener(Jan 8, 2002)
- Living Romans 8:28(Jan 15, 2002)
- Anointing is Not Feelings (Jan 19 and 20, 2002)
- Pondering God's Greatness (Feb 2, 2002)
- Just Judgments (Apr 3, 2002)
- God Spares My Home (Sep 10, 2002)
I hope you are blessed by these articles. You can send me email at