Before I opened the email, I knew the person who sent it had a problematic attitude. The title gave it away: "You are being deceived!"
It was one of those typical emails I get every 6 months or so, from some "fruitcake" who believe God is unable to move in power today. It holds that if anyone is seeing any of God's power in their ministry, they are being deceived by the enemy. But this one was stronger than most. It accused me of being a Satanist, being manipulated by Satan for his own purposes. It went on to propose that in the last days Satan will do signs and wonders and God will not, so any signs and wonders are being done by Satan's power. It told me and that I was filled with "many demons". It went on to say that if I did not repent, God was going to judge me horribly. It was signed "The Watchman." I run into these fruitcakes every so often who think that God is anemic and only the devil has power today. They are in error because they do not know scripture very well and they don't know God's voice at all. In fact, they don't seem to walk in any sort of close relationship with the Lord and don't have much of a concept of what He is like.
My "standard reply" to these types of emails is to write back something along the lines of "I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I would not bow the knee to anyone except the one true and living God."
I was not angry because it was so clear this person does not know either God or the Bible, and they are clearly in error. I felt a bit sorry for this person. I opened an email to give my standard reply, not intending to write any more than that.
But the Holy Spirit came on me and had me write much more than I intended to write. It was a stern prophetic warning to the person.
The words in the following paragraphs are spoken at His command:You do not know the word of God and you do not know how to hear God's voice .. Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice and they know Me." You have fallen short in these areas. And you should not be attempting to speak the words or judgments of God until you at least know how to hear His voice so you can tell what He is saying. You are the one who has not tested the spirits. You need to go back to God and talk to Him about this.. You are the one who has not discerned the spirits. You are in danger of doing the very thing that Jesus condemned the Pharisees for doing... blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by accusing Jesus of doing the works He did through the power of Satan instead of by the Spirit of God.
You are operating under a religious spirit.. a demon.. it almost has complete control of you and if you don't renounce it and turn to the Lord for deliverance and help and forgiveness, it will consume you completely. You are in danger of falling under the very judgments that you are attempting to pronounce against the God-ordained ministries that He moves in power His through.
This is a stern warning from the Lord.
I read what the Lord had me write. "Oh God," I said, "I don't want to send a judgment word to anyone. How about we just delete this?
But the Lord would not let me delete it and forget the whole thing.
"Lord," I cried, "I don't want to pronounce judgment on someone. Could you get someone else to do this?"
The Lord just kept repeating to me over and over again, "This person is about to be condemned by the very words of their mouth. The judgments they have spoken are about to fall upon their own head."
I debated with the Lord for a good 20 minutes or so. I did want to send a judgment word to someone. I strongly prefer words of edification and comfort. I am not the type who likes to pronounce the judgment of God on people.
"God, please don't make me send this!" I begged.
Finally the Lord agreed to let me run it by a seasoned prophet friend.. I got him on his cell phone as he was driving across country to a speaking engagement. I shared the situation with him and read him the judgment word that I did not want to send.
"Well," he said, "This is what I am hearing. This person is about to be condemned by the very words of their mouth. The judgments they have spoken are about to fall on their own head." Confirmation! Word for word what the Lord had spoken to me over and over each time I tried to get Him to change His mind about making me send this prophecy. "Send the word," he went on to say. "The Lord wants you to deliver this word."
After I got off the phone, I told the Lord that I did I did not want to see the person fall under judgment. I was more than willing to forgive them for their offense against me.
"But I am not," the Lord replied, "Not unless they repent. They are on the precipe, about to jump off. They are in grave danger of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. This warning is meant as a kindness, not as a threat. It is one last opportunity for them to turn and repent before they embrace total disaster."
I sent the email. Then God's peace washed over me. That peace was a strong confirmation to me that God really wanted that word delivered. I was enveloped in His peace all day. I did not expect to hear back from this person. I put the incident out of my mind and went on with my day.
About 5 hours later, a reply arrived in my inbasket from this same person. The first line read, "Take this message to the "god" you serve."
I read a sentence or two where it was strongly denouncing Satan. I did not read any more, and began to delete the message. But God stopped me. He told me to read the message and bring it to Him. (I am sure He already knew what it said.) So I opened the message again and read it.. shaking my head sadly from side to side. I was so sad for this person.
"Now bring the message to me, as you were requested to."
I did not want to do that, but I knew better than to disobey. "Lord," I said, "here is what the person says to You." I read Him the message, a great sorrow and soberness washing over me. I knew this was no small thing. I could sense the Lord's great displeasure as I read it to Him.
"Teresa," the Lord said to me. "This person has crossed the line. They have jumped off of the precipe and there is no turning back. I count this as blasphemy and their destruction has surely been sealed. Disaster will come upon them before the year is out."
"Oh God, I don't want to tell them that!"
"You don't have to tell them. I am telling you what I am about to do. You do not have to deliver this message.. their time of grace is past. Their fate is sealed by the choices they have made. Before the year is out, My judgment will fall upon them and there is no preventing it."
This was scary for me. This was not the loving, kind, gracious and forgiving God who I knew so well. This was the righteous judge side of Him that I rarely saw. I am so glad that the blood of Jesus prevails for me and that I do not have to face this aspect of God.. because He is a righteous Judge and He will not hold His hand forever against those who are in active rebellion against Him.
This has been a sad and sobering experience for me. There is no thrill and there is no delight in delivering a judgment or solemn warning from God. I know that some upcoming prophets are eager for this type of assignment. But it is a sad and serious thing when God speaks a solemn warning... where the consequences of ignoring it are very high. And it is a very sad thing indeed when the Lord proclaims a judgment on an individual. Upcoming prophets, this is not a thing to desire.. Seek rather to deliver the words that breathe life, that edify and build up and comfort.
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