Prayer-School Prayer Practicum


Corporate Intercession Targeting the Nation of South Africa

The Prayer-School Mini-Course Series is a series of short courses (teaching and discussion) on topics relevant to learning to pray and interceed effectively. These courses are offered by the Prayer-School Leadership core. The seventh course in the series is entitled:

Prayer-School Prayer Practicum WorkShop
Corporate Intercession Targeting the Nation of South Africa

This course is taught by a team of people who live in South Africa or who have ministered there. It begins April 24, 2000 and will last 6 to 8 weeks. It is a workshop. The student's primary focus should be on learning how to take a prayer topic to God and ask Him for direction on how to pray for that topic. Please see the Workshop Overview/introduction for more details.

A new prayer target will be released on Monday of each week.

This site may "appear" to be "under construction." This is because the material will NOT be released to the WWW site until it has been emailed to the prayer-school list. To subscribe to this list, send email to

Or you can subscribe to the list from a www page by clicking here.

Class Materials:

  1. Workshop Overview/Introduction
  2. Week 1 Prayer Target Introduction to South Africa
  3. Week 2 Prayer Target Revival
  4. Week 3 Prayer Target Praying For The Needs Of The Various Peopel Groups.
  5. Week 4 Prayer Target Breaking the Stronghold of Afrikaner Nationalism
  6. Week 5 Prayer Target Healing of Past Sufferings and Prejudice
  7. Week 6 Prayer Target A Restoration Of The Prophetic
  8. Week 7 Prayer Target Unity Of the Churches
  9. Week 8 Prayer Target Mobalizing Interncessors to Break the Power of the Enemy **New (Jun 12, 2000)**

[This completes our 8 week prayer practicum for South Africa.]

We hope you will be blessed and stretched by this series of mini-courses. You can send us email at <>

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