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-- © GodSpeak International 2000 --
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Contributing Authors: Colin Fibiger unitedsa@mweb.co.za, Steve Lincoln slcongas@hotmail.com, Monika Nel joel2v1@worldonline.co.za, Alison Papenfus eap@icon.co.za, Pertru Prinsloo saip@cis.co.za, Teresa Seputis ts@godspeak.net, Steve Swart steveswart@yebo.co.za
EDITOR:Teresa Seputis

Prayer-School Prayer Practicum

Targeting South Africa

Week 2 Prayer Target

Hosted By Steve Lincoln

Prayer Target: Revival For South Africa and the Continent of Africa

God wants to pour out revival on the nation of South Africa. It will start at the tip of the nation (Capetown) and then spread upwards throughout the nation. Then from there it will continue to spread north through the rest of the continent of Africa. It will move on to Cairo, Egypt and on from there to Jerusalem.

This is the vision that God gave to me regarding the highway of fire and revival glory from Cape to Cairo to Jerusalem...

Vision Of God's Fire (Revival) Through Africa

While I was ministering in a church in Cape Town, God gave me a vision of fire spreading through Africa. I was speaking to the congregation, when suddenly I felt God prompt me to turn around. Behind me on stage was a large, colorful banner, which showed the map of the African continent. God told me to lay my hands on the banner, and to pray for His fire to fall on Africa.

I got up onto the stage, and laid my hands on the southern-most part of South Africa. I was aware of a fiery sensation in my hands, which became hotter as I prayed, and the congregation began to intercede with me.

As I prayed, God gave me a vision of an intense fire which began in South Africa and then spread in increasing waves up the length of Africa. As I prayed over the map, I felt God guiding my hands in waving motions up the length of Africa.

I know that God is about to pour out His fire on the whole of Africa, and I firmly believe that this will start in South Africa, and then spread northwards to cover the entire continent in His glory.

This will begin in Cape Town, and then move up through South Africa to the nations that surround it. From there it will move up the continent of Africa to Egypt and the city of Cairo, and then across to Jerusalem and outwards to the rest of the world. This is a prophetic vision that has been seen many times over the years, and is something that God has shown me on several occasions.

God also showed me a vision of the South African and Israeli flags. They were wrapped around each other, each one covering the other, and God's hands were pressing the two flags together. God told me that there is a spiritual linking going on at the moment between the two nations, where they will begin to pray and intercede for each other. There is a special understanding that God is developing between the two nations, and there exists in the spiritual realm a pushing of revival fire and God's glory from South Africa, and a drawing in of it into Israel.

Let us at this time also commit ourselves to pray and intercede for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem, as this also holds a major key for the work of God in South Africa.


Lord, we stand in agreement with You regarding Your plans to send revial and to release Your power throughout Africa. Let Your glory fill the nation of South Africa. Manifest Yourself to many and allow them to embrace Jesus as their savior and as their Lord! Send revival, Lord. Start in South Africa and then sweep up through the African nations, just as You have show us You would like to do.

Release Your mightly power to break off any oppression or blinders the enemy has put over people, blinding them to the good news of the gospel. Let Your light and Your truth shine forth. Set Your people in South Africa free in You, give them power over the enemy of their souls and release Your victory and Your authority in their lives. Make them mightly in You.. raise them up as a people who know and serve the Lord their God. Let Your plans and purposes be accomplished speedily.

Send revival Lord, to their nation. Send it now. Along with the revial, release healings and signs and wonders. Manifest yourself among them and show forth Your goodness and Your glory.

We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

-- © GodSpeak International 2000 --
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