Teresa's Testimonies Index

Teresa's Testimonies Index

by Teresa Seputis <ts@godspeak.net>

[To jump immediately to the index of testimonies, Click here.]

This is various testimonies, insights, etc. of what God has been doing in my life and things He has been teaching me. This collection starts after a year of silence (from Oct 2004 until Sept 2005) with a missions trip to Asia. This collection of testimonies will "grow" over the year as God continues to do things in my life and I continue to write them up. (He is always up to something neat.).

The hope and goal of sharing these testimonies is that you might be encouraged and inspiried by them to press deeper into the Lord in your own walk with God. If you see God doing anything you like in my own life, please ask Him to do it in your life as well. Chances are that if you ask, you will receive, as per Matthew 7:7.

There is a testimonies list named his-walkwhere you can read testimonies (from myself and others) of how we are learning to walk out His Lordship in our day-to-day lives. Most of the testimonies on this page come from that list.


  1. Breaking The Silence (October 16, 2005)
  2. A Worship Experience (October 16, 2005)
  3. Hungry (Oct 21 and 23, 2005)
  4. Little Things (March 12, 2006)
  5. Another Financial Testimony(March 12-17, 2006)
  6. Prophetic Testimony (March 13, 2006)
  7. Jesus Prays For Me Again (March 25, 2006)
  8. A Vision Of Martyrs And Heaven (publically shared
  9. We Stilled The Storm (May 3, 2006)
  10. A Different Type Of Worship Service (Sunday July 2, 2006)
  11. Being On the Receiving End Of God's Humor (Sunday July 15, 2006)
  12. Prophecy Stories (Aug 24, 2006)
  13. First Report From Honk Kong (Friday Sept 8, 2006)
  14. Report 2 from Hong Kong (Saturday Sept 9)
  15. Report 3 From Honk Kong(Sunday, Sept 10, 2006)
  16. Report 4 from Hong Kong (Monday, Sept 11, 2006)
  17. Report 5 from Honk Kong (Tuesday Sept 12, 2006)
  18. Last Report From Hong Kong (Wednesday, Sept 13, 2006)
  19. Hong Kong and Trip To Macau (Thursday Sept 14, 2006)
  20. Macau (Friday Sept 15, 2006)
  21. Mainland China (Saturday Sept 16, 2006)
  22. Mainland China (Sunday Sept 17, 2006)
  23. Felito Utuie at My Church (Oct 15, 2006)
  24. A Different Type Of Baptism (November 3 and 5, 2006)
  25. Meditating On God's Word (Nov 27, 2006)
  26. Why Good Friday Is Good (April 6, 2007)
  27. Angelic Encounters (Jan 2006 to June 2007)
  28. A Vision of the Tabernacle (June 18, 2007)
  29. Report From The Open Heaven Conference (Jun 29 to Jul 1, 2007) - Part 1: The ministering Angel
  30. Report From The Open Heaven Conference (Jun 29 to Jul 1, 2007) - Part 2: Warfare and Great Victory
  31. Report From The Open Heaven Conference (Jun 29 to Jul 1, 2007) - Part 3: Don't Spill It On The Ground
  32. Lakeland: How This Trip Came About (May 9 to June 10)
  33. Lakeland: My Trip Out (Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008)
  34. Lakeland: Difficulties Getting Into The Meeting (Jun 11, 2008)
  35. Lakeland: Day 1 of Private Retreat With God ( Thursday, June 11)
  36. Lakeland: My First Full Revival Meeting (Thursday, June 12), Part 1
  37. Lakeland: My First Full Revival Meeting (Thursday, June 12), Part 2
  38. Lakeland: Friday Intimacy Time With Jesus (June 13, 2008)
  39. Lakeland: God Uses Me To Minister To Someone Special (June 13, 2008)
  40. Lakeland: Saturday Daytime Retreat With God (June 14, 2008)
  41. Lakeland: Saturday Evening Meeting (June 14, 2008)
  42. Lakeland: Sunday Daytime Retreat With God (June 15, 2008)
  43. Lakeland: My Last Revival Meeting (Sunday, Jun 15, 2008) Part 1
  44. Lakeland: My Last Revival Meeting (Sunday, Jun 15, 2008) Part 2
  45. Never Say "Never" To God (August 5, 2008)
  46. An Amazing Vision (Friday March 6, 2009)
  47. God Ties My Shoe (Nov 1, 2009) **NEW (Nov 1, 2009)**

I hope you are blessed by these articles. You can send me email at <ts@godspeak.net>