Day 1 Of Prophetic Conference
The conference is divided into three sessions. The first session was scheduled for 2-6 PM on Saturday. Session 2 is from 2-6 Sunday and session three from 6-10 PM Sunday. (They plan on an hour dinner break from 5:30 to 6:30).
Tim and his wife (Deborah) and son (Joshua) came to my hotel room at 11:30 to pray for the conference for an hour and then to catch lunch for another hour, so we could arrive at the conference half an hour before the service was to start to make sure everything was set up ok. I was still feeling pretty sedate and feeling the effect of the condemning email when we first started to pray. But as we prayed, God's presence came strongly into my hotel room. I kind of got lost in His goodness and not much else mattered. When I came strongly into God's presence, there was no rebuke, there was no condemnation, there was nothing but His pleasure and His great love. Being near Him washed away all the attack of the enemy. I began to see the conference from His perspective.
God showed us that there would be enemy attacks to try and prevent people from arriving at the conference, so God led us to pray for His hand over the travelers to get them to the conference safely and on time. (As it turned out, it rained very severely from Noon to 1:00 PM flooding some roads and messing up traffic. Those arriving by bus or car were effected, but most of them managed to arrive before the half hour of worship was over.)
The prayer time was wonderful and I almost suggested skipping lunch to pray longer. We sort of drifted in and out of intercession for the meeting and enjoying His presence.
The meeting started at 2:00 PM with worship. That went on for about 1/2 hour. There was somewhere between 450 to 500 people at this conference and (to my surprise) about 30 or so English-speaking Caucasians. There were also about 20 or so Mandarin-speaking people from mainland China. As it turns out, 61 churches were represented there (including mine).
The Lord's anointing was very strong over the meeting. I started by praying and giving Jesus total control of the meeting, and He took it. His anointing was really strong on both the teaching and the translation. It felt like I was being carried on angel's wings as I gave the teaching. The Holy Spirit (who is the Greatest Teacher of all) filled my mouth as I spoke. I ended up saying some things I hadn't planned to say and leaving out some things I had planned to say as He directed me. Of course, His way came out much better than my way would have come out. I love it when the Holy Spirit works with me and helps me teach! He is such a better teacher than I am!
We had a lot of basics to do, so I only was able to give them one activation in the first session. I lasted for about 15 minutes and boy did God show up! I wish you could see the excitement level in the room as people found themselves prophesying to their partners. A few did not get anything, but most of them did. And they were very excited that God would speak through them.
I gave them a short break. (We'd already been going 2.5 hours.) When we came back, I did a short teaching on character and why it was so much more important to God than gifting. A part of that teaching talked about how God holds us at a higher level of accountability when we move at a higher level of gifting and anointing. Then I talked about our obligation to obey God and put a higher priority on His agenda than on our own agenda. It is sort of like Jesus Who went about doing the Father's business instead of doing His own thing. I asked them if they still wanted to move in a higher level of prophetic anointing now that they knew that they would be held to a higher level of accountably. The all said they wanted it. So I led them in a group prayer of commitment to obey Him and then we prayed to ask Him to release His anointing and prophetic gifting over the congregation.
The Holy Spirit showed up in a tangible way on many of the people. He is so good. I was watching Him move over the congregation as the people each cried out to Him for a fresh empowerment and for the prophetic gifting. All of the sudden, God spoke to me and said, "Teresa, I am really enjoying Myself." I asked Him what He meant and He said, "There is nothing I like more than when My people commit to obey Me and make Me Lord and boss and commit to serve Me. I love to meet them, to fill them and to empower them."
After a while, I moved from corporate prayer to laying on of hands for impartation. I explained that the impartation came from God through me (I served as a point of contact) to them. I did not need to know what they wanted from God, they needed to talk to Him about it. I reminded them of Matthew 7:7 -- "ask and you shall receive" and told them to ask God.
I gave them the instructions that God told me told me to give them, but I had no idea of how much God wanted to do in His people. I explained that some people would feel God's presence strongly and others would not feel a thing. But the impartation would go forth in both cases. I explained that some would fall and we would provide catchers for their safety, but it did not matter whether or not they fell for them to receive. I also told them that my prayer would be very short for each person, but the Holy Spirit would stay on them as long as He wanted to.
Then I began to pray. The people had lined up at the front, but there was not room for everyone and many had to wait just to get a spot to line up for prayer. My prayers were very short. For the most part they were "I impart in Jesus' Name" or "prophetic come forth in Jesus' name" or "Power, anointing, impartation in Jesus' name." I think that I did not touch any given person more than 3 or 4 seconds. It still took an hour to pray for everyone. At first I had no clue what God was doing. I just walked down the prayer line praying for people and trying to focus on what the Holy Spirit wanted me to pray over each one. I did notice that a lot of the people were falling and that the catcher were scurrying to stay with me as I moved down the line. Then God said, "Teresa, look around at what I am doing."
I looked around. Many people were still laying on the ground, even ones I had prayed for ten minutes before. Some of them were shaking under the Holy Spirit's power. God opened my eyes to see in the spirit, and I saw the strength of anointing and gifting that was on each one. God was doing something remarkable here. I wanted to stop and observe, but God told me that I needed to get back to work praying impartation for people.
There were a few people who I could feel a very strong impartation going into them. They stood there like rocks - no shaking, no falling, no visible manifestation of any type - and yet God was imparting such a strong anointing and gifting on them. I asked God what He was doing and He said that He was strengthening them to stand firm in Him as they later spoke His words at His direction.
There was one time that I wanted to speak the words "prophetic come forth" over this one lady, but it came out as "Prophetic dance." I moved away from her and did not look at her again, as I was concentrating on the people that I was praying for at the moment. But after the meeting was over, the report came back to me that she had started to dance in the spirit and did not stop until the ministry time was over. She wanted to stop, but found that she could not. At first he was sort of scared by that, but (if I understand the reports right) the Lord's presence and peace came on her as soon as she stopped dancing.
When the meeting was over, people used terms like "powerful" and "strong presence of God" to describe it. From my perspective, the anointing was very strong, and I really enjoyed working with the Holy Spirit.
When the meeting was over, we went out to dinner and debriefed a bit. I heard some individual experiences of people's powerful encounter with God from the ushers and catchers that people told their stories to. It was a great meeting.
Dinner was over and I got back to my hotel room about 8:30 PM. I laid down on my bed, put on worship music and asked God to pretend someone had just prayed for me, and come and touch me like He touched the people at the meeting. Instead He put me to sleep filled with great peace.
But I woke up at 2:00 AM (that seem to be God's favorite time to wake me up in Asia). The Holy Spirit came on me very strongly and I felt like I'd just been prayed for at a renewal meeting.
I have spent the last four and a half hours alternating between worshiping and being lost in His presence, writing this report and interceding for China. God has really been showing Me His heart for China and how much He wants to bless that nation.
I am not sure if I will go back to sleep or stay up the rest of the night under His anointing. It is already almost 6:30 AM here. But the anointing is so strong in my room right now-- almost as strong as it was at the conference and I feel very refreshed and invigorated. I am going to send this email and go back into His presence and worship.
I am looking forward to what He will do at today's conference.
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