Prophetic-School Mini-Course Series


The Prophetic-School Leadership Core


Prophetic School Course 28
Practicalities Of The Prophetic

Class Materials:

  1. Week 1 Lesson Overview
  2. Week 2 Lesson Assumptions
  3. Week 3 Lesson Disqualification and Accountability
  4. Week 4 Lesson Revelation Does Not Necessarily Yield Good Theology
  5. Week 5 Lesson Submission and Our Attitude Towards Leadership
  6. Week 6 Lesson God's Commands and God's Suggestions
  7. Week 7 Lesson Discerning Of Spirits
  8. Week 8 Lesson Confidence
  9. Week 9 Lesson "Living" Our Prophetic Words
  10. Week 10 Lesson Open Visions
  11. Week 11 Lesson Angelic Visitations
  12. Week 12 Lesson Divine Visitations

[This series is now complete]

The Prophetic-School Mini-Course Series is a series of sort courses (teaching and discussion) on topics relevant to learning to move in the prophetic. These courses are offered by the Prophetic-School leadership core.

This series is entitled

The Practicalities of the Prophetic
This course is taught by Teresa Seputis. It beings Monday, Jan 26, 2004 and will last for 12 weeks. A new teaching will be released on Monday of each week. (This is a repeat of a course offered in March of 2001).

We hope you will be blessed and stretched by this series of mini-courses. You can send us email at

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