There are so many excellent books and teachings written on hearing God's
voice and on godly character development. There are also several excellent
resources on learning how to prophecy. And these are all important aspects
of the prophetic lifestyle. But there are other aspects that are just as
important, but not as widely written about. And these less written about
aspects are crucial ones that developing prophets must come to know.
This series discusses what I call "the practicalities of the prophetic."
In other words, it covers many different areas that effect anyone who desires
to walk and minister in the prophetic anointing. Some of these (such as open
visions and angelic visitations) will be very popular and exciting. Other
lessons will touch on decidedly less popular (but equally critical) subjects,
such as submission to godly authority, accountability, disqualification and
things along those lines. This teaching series will not be comprehensive...
it is impossible to be comprehensive on this topic just as it would be
impossible to write a comprehensive book on "experiencing life." There is
no way in the world that I (or any other instructor) could possibly teach
you everything you need to know about the practicalities of the prophetic.
Fortunately, you have the best teacher in the world available to work with
you, both during this course and after it ends. He is easily accessible to
you because He resides within you... and that teacher is the Holy Spirit.
He will continue to teach you and quicken practicalities to you long after
we have completed this series.
We are going to look at a lot of different practicalities or subjects
over the course of this series. Here is an overview of where we will
be going:
Lesson 2 - Assumptions.
This discusses how assumptions can enter into what we hear from
God, how they can distort or diffuse a perfectly good word. It will
examine how Jesus responded when the disciples made assumptions. It
also covers how to detect when we may be making assumptions that
distort the prophetic word.
Lesson 3 - Disqualification and Accountability
This examines bible models of when people do and do not get
disqualified from ministry for their sins and rebellion. It also
looks at accountability, and discusses it's interaction with
correction and/or being disqualified. It covers how God wants us
to respond when we discover we've been in error. It also examines
the concept increased accountability accompanying increased
anointing, and what that means to us as prophets.
Lesson 4 - How Revelation Does Not Necessarily Yield Good Theology
This teaching will examine how it is possible for someone to
receive direct supernatural revelation from God and still draw
theologically incorrect conclusions from that revelation. It shares
an example of how one of the disciples did this. It outlines the
process the Lord used to correct that disciple's bad theology. It
also explores how our theology changes (or fine-tunes) over time as
God gives us increased revelation and understanding of Who He is.
Lesson 5 - Submission and Our Attitude Towards Leadership
We will look at the different aspects of submission, our actions
and our underlying attitudes. This lesson also examines the
authority of a pastor (and other leaders that we submit to) and
their accountability before God.
Lesson 6 - God's Commands and God's Suggestions
This lesson explores the concept of unconditional obedience to
God's commands, and why God expects that type of obedience from us.
It also develops the concept of God's suggestions (where we have
the option of heeding or ignoring them). It shares of the reason
that we might want to heed God's suggestions even when we are not
strictly obligated to do so. It also discusses how to recognize
God's suggestions when He makes them, as they are sometimes very
subtle and easy to miss.
Lesson 7 - Discerning of Spirits
This lesson discusses the discerning of Spirits: both God's spirits
(angelic and Holy Spirit activities) and of enemy spirits (demons).
It shares why God gives us this awareness of spiritual activity
around us and describes what He desires our response to be when we
experience this spiritual gift of discernment. The lesson gives
bible examples from Nehemiah's life and from Jesus' life. Then it
describes the practical aspects of how to recognize when this gift
is operating.
Lesson 8 - Confidence
This lesson explores the strong confidence, or assuredness, that
some prophets seem to walk in, and how God develops that in us.
While a prophet will never be infallible, they can (and should)
develop a confidance and comfort in what God has called them to do.
They should be able to operate in their gifting with ease. This
lesson explores what the basis of that confidence is, and shares
the process that God uses to develop it in us.
Lesson 9 - Living Out Our Words
It is not uncommon for God to require His prophets to live out or
sometimes prophetically act out words that He gives through them
to the Body of Christ. This will share a personal example, and then
examine three different types of living out the word. It will look
at Hosea's life, where he literally had to live out the message that
God proclaimed through him. Then it will examine identificational
repentance and intercession, which is the response God brings out
in some of His prophets. Finally, it will look at propheticly
acting out a word from the life of Jeremiah, (e.g., living the
experiences of the word before the word comes to pass for the body
at large.)
Lesson 10 - Visions and Open Visions
This lesson explores the difference between a vision and an open
vision. It develops the various types of visions one might see,
giving bible examples of each. Then it looks at a few open visions
from scripture, such as Peter's vision on the rooftop and John's
vision from the book of Revelation. The the lesson moves on to
some of the practicalities of experiencing an open vision. It
includes some a small portion of Rick Joyner's teaching on the
subject. It mentions how God uses symbolism in a vision and then
it gives two examples of modern day open visions.
Lesson 11 - Angelic Visitations
There are different roles that angels play in God's plan. This
teaching focuses in on one of those roles, the role of God's
messenger. It shares some scriptural examples of angels baring
messages from God to humans. Then it switches gears and
discusses modern day angelic visitations, sharing some details
of one such visitation.
Lesson 12 - Divine Visitations
Divine visitations are when God Himself appears to a person.
The lesson starts by sharing some of the expectations that people
have around divine visitations and of how God will sometimes
violate those expectations. It develops some bible passages
about divine visitations, such as the two disciples on the road
to Emmaus, Moses seeing God's backside from the cleft of the
rock, the crowds seeing the dove and hearing God's voice speak
to them when Jesus was baptized, and Saul's conversion.
Then it discusses some modern occurrences of divine visitations,
sharing some common elements in these visitations. Finally it
details two modern day divine visitations that one individual
As you can see, this series covers a wide variety of topics. These are all
various aspects of the prophetic that we need to be aware of and begin to
develop an understanding of. Some of these are more relevant than others.
For instance, you do not have to have an angelic visitation or an open
vision to be an effective prophet. But you must have obedience to God and
correct submission to godly authority down pat if you want the Lord to
use you to the full extent of your anointing. I hope you will be both
blessed and stretched by this teaching series.
As you read about things that you desire to experience (or that you desire
to understand better), please dialogue with God about them. Ask Him
about what you read and ask Him how this applies to you personally. Ask Him
to speak to you and teach you about the practicalities of the prophetic
over the next several weeks. Ask Him what changes He wants make in your
life and cooperate with Him in them. Invite Him to keep teaching you about
them after the course ends. The Holy Spirit is more than willing to be a
dedicated and capable teacher if you will commit to being a committed and
obedient pupil. Ask Him to teach you how to work with Him and cooperate
with Him in this process, that you might become more effective at learning
directly from Him. God is willing if you are...