Miscellaneous Testimonies/Insights: Index
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Miscellaneous Testimonies and Insights
Teresa Seputis
This is miscellaneous testimonies, insights, object lessions, dreams,
etc, that don't fit neatly into one of my other categories. Mostly they
are the Lord showing me things, that I'd like to share with you.
There is a testimonies list named his-walk
where you can read testimonies (from myself and others) of how we are
learning to walk out His Lordship in our day-to-day lives. Some of the
testimonies on this page come from that list.
- Putting My Writing Under His Lordship
- My first 40-day Fast (29 Sep 95)
- Clay in the Potter's hands (June 96)
- Prophesying the Sermon (16 Jun 1996)
- Pleasing Him (Nov 24, 1996)
- God's Presence and Enemy Manifestations
(27 Nov 1996)
- A Fictional Story (Jan 8, 1997)
- God's Special Force Team (9 Jan 1997)
- God's Faithfullness in Finances (4 Feb 1997)
- The Holy Spirit goes Grocery Shopping (5 Feb 1997)
- Who wants revival more?? (6 Mar 1997)
- Medical Problems related to fasting (April 1997)
- Seeing My First Angel (July 3, 1997)
- Be Filled (Aug 29, 1997)
- Interesting Dream (Mon, 10 Feb 1997)
- Fun Interceeding at Billy Graham Crusade
(Oct 26, 1997)
Receiving My First Prophetic Word of Correction (Nov 11, 1997)
- Two Object Lessons (Nov 16, 1997)
God Shows His Power At My Work - Literally! (Nov 18, 1997)
- A Spanking (Nov 29, 1997)
I hope you are blessed by these articles. You can send me email at
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