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-- © GodSpeak International 1998 --
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Clay in the Potter's hands (June 1996)

A while ago, the Lord taught me a neat little lesson about how He brings correction to one of His own, who is earnestly seeking His Lordship in their life...

I had been struggling a bit in an area where I knew I fell short of God's ideal. I sorta felt it might grieve Him and I did not want to do that. So I invited Him to bring some correction in that area. A few days later, I began to consider what I had prayed and figured I'd be in for a pretty rough ride. I figured God would "clobber me" to bring this correction.

Then He spoke to me and told me that I had the concept of correction wrong when He applied it to someone who loved Him and was actively trying to persue His lordship in their lives.

He said it was like a lump of modeling clay. I don't know if you've have ever worked with clay before. But when you first start to work with it, it is very hard and it sort of resists whatever you try to do with it. The way to get the clay to "work with you" is to cup it in your hands and let the warmth (heat) of your body soften it. Then you begin to gently work it by caressing it with your fingers. After a bit, the clay softens under the warmth of your hand, and it's texture changes. It becomes soft and pilable. Then you don't have to try to force it into any shapes, it just flows with you and molds into that shape. It becomes effortless to mold the clay however you want to.

The Lord said that is how He brings correction into the lives of those who are actively seeking His will. Instead of punishing us, He pours the warmth of His love on us until we sort of melt into puddy in His hands while basking in the warmth of His love. We become soft and pliable in His hands. Then He is able to mold/shape us the way that He desires and it is effortless for us. We barely realize we're being "corrected" because we are so responsive to the gentle warmth of His touch as he patiently molds us. It becomes a good and a pleasant process for Him to mold us instead of a harsh and painful one.

It is sure a nicer way to be corrected than through punishment and rebuke, isn't it! His goodness and His love never cease to amaze me!

-- © GodSpeak International 1998 --
-- Do not republish without written permission from <ts@godspeak.org> --

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