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God is inviting us into a deeper level of commitment with Him. He expects us to give Him all of ourselves if we want to enter into that level of relationship with Him. He expects us to allow Him to finger areas of our lives and transform them, so that we become more like Him. He expects radical obedience and He expects so to draw near to Him, to seek Him, to honor Him. It will cost us everything we have, but just like the Pearl Of Great Price, we will gain so much more than we give up because God will give us more of Himself in return. Here is some of what He says on the subject.
A Call To Commitment
"Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit" says the Lord.
I am about to pour out My spirit and My anointing in unprecedented measure. As the darkness gets darker, so will My light get brighter. Child, I am calling you to be My light. I work in and through My children. I pour out My Spirit and My anointing on willing vessels and I cause them to move in My authority to do real kingdom business.
Would you like to participate with Me in this, child of Mine? I am looking for willing vessels that I can use. I am looking for the hearts that will yield to Me, that will say, "Not my will, but yours be done, Lord." I am looking for individuals who will permit My indwelling Holy Spirit to change and transform them. I am looking for those who will set themselves apart for My purposes, committed to My Lordship in all aspects of their lives.
I am not looking for the skilled or the educated. I am looking for those who will yield to Me. I am not looking for the "greats", rather I am looking for those who will allow Me to do great things through them and who will be sure to give Me the glory for all I do. I am not looking for the talented, I am looking for those who are committed and willing to be obedient. I will be the one to equip you and make you able. As I pour out My spirit upon you, I make you truly able to do all things through Christ Who strengthens you.
I cannot use those who love fame or reputation more than they love Me. I cannot use those who care more for their own agendas than they care for mine. But I can use any individual who comes to Me and says, "Lord, Here I am. I am willing. You, Lord, You empower me. You Lord, You fill me." Those who look to Me as their source and who are willing and obedient will see an increase of My anointing on their lives. They will see an increase of My Spirit and of My discernment upon them. They will be raised up to walk in My authority and they will usher in My kingdom and My victory. They will see what I am doing, for I will show them plainly, and I will empower them to do it with Me.
Child of Mine, would you like to be one of these? Present yourself to Me with a pure heart, commit to obey Me and to yield to Me. Watch how I will empower you and how I will use you to usher in My kingdom. All I ask of you is a committed and yielded heart and a willingness to obey what I command you to do. It must be My agenda and it must be done My way. If you are willing, I will fill you. Commit to My Lordship, honor and obey Me, and I will pour out My spirit upon you and work My glory within you.
A Call to Radical Obedience And Holiness
Children, I am calling you to radical obedience. I am calling you to radical holiness. I am making great demands of you because My plans for you are great. I am looking for a pure and dedicated people upon whom I can pour out My glory; upon whom I can pour out My anointing; and through whom I can move in great power. I will not pour Myself into a polluted steam. I will not put My spirit upon an impure people. For I am holy and that which I pour Myself into must be holy and set apart for My purposes and dedicated for My use. Do you choose to set yourself apart for Me? Do you choose to wash yourself in My living water and allow My Holy Spirit to transform and purify you?
I am calling to you purity. There must not be compromise or mixture, for that pollutes your witness. You cannot hold onto the light with one hand and grope for the darkness with the other. For do you not know; light and darkness do not mix. One will become stronger than the other and overcome it. Which is to be stronger in your life, child of Mine? Is it going to be My light or the enemy's darkness? You cannot have both working in you, for you will give yourself over to one.
You cannot walk in holiness and flirt with the sins of the world. I am calling you to be a separate people, set apart for Myself and carriers of My name. I am calling you to cast aside the things of the world and walk in My ways. Be set apart. There must be a difference, a distinction, between My people and the people of this world. I will not tolerate a mixture. Call not the things of the world holy. Distinguish between right and wrong. My word and My will must be your standard; you are not to conform to the standards of the world.
For I would not call you to the impossible, child of Mine. I would not command you to do something that I would not empower you to do. But I must have a people who are set apart and dedicated to My purposes. This means you must take your hands off of some of the things of the world. You must let go of some of what you cling to, that I might fill your hands with My anointing and that My glory might radiate through you.
It is My desire to raise up a holy people. It is My desire to pour My Spirit and My anointing on them, and to empower them to participate with Me in bringing My glory and My light to the nations. Will you join Me in this, child of Mine? Will you set yourself apart for My purposes and become a vessel of My glory? To do this, you must lay aside all compromise and fully embrace My ways. Become vessels of My glory, child of Mine. Commit your way to Me and lay aside all compromise. For, I am calling for a radical obedience and I am calling for a radical Holiness!
Will you answer My call and allow My indwelling Spirit to transform you? Set yourself apart for Me and lay down all compromise.
A Call To God's Presence
My child, of course I desire to speak to you and to manifest Myself to you. Don't you know that I love you and I delight in you? I am about to draw you into a greater depth of intimacy than you have ever walked in before. As you pray and you seek Me and you ask Me for greater depths of relationship with Me, I will surely meet you and manifest Myself to you and surround you with My presence.
You will be amazed at the things I am about to do in your life. Child, I have destined much for you and I am about to bring you into it. This will be a frightening time for you, for it is a fearsome thing to come before the very presence of almighty God. Child, know that your sins are forgiven. When you stand before Me and taste of My holiness, you will be overwhelmed with your own sin. Know that each and every sin is under the blood of the lamb and is forgiven and cleansed. You are going to find that My presence, which you have so desired, is not at all like you expect it to be. It will truly be terrifying for you.. but at the same time it will be a time of awe for you. Child, you will go back and revisit these encounters in your mind and you will want to kick yourself for having what you consider inappropriate responses. Do not feel ashamed when this occurs.. for I say unto you that it is not possible to come before the presence of the living God and not be totally overwhelmed. I only allow those whose hearts are pure before Me to come into My presence in a tangible way. And yet, when you stand before Me, you will be aware of every imperfection and every impurity. And child, you will be horrified with how you will see yourself.
Know in advance that I am not horrified with you. Child, your heart is after Me and it pleases Me. You have been seeing Me through a very thick cloud, through a veil. I am about to lift the corner of that veil and give you a glimpse of My glory. You will not be able to handle it.. no human being can. You will be so frightened that you will want to run away from Me. But fear not, I am going to prevent you from doing that.. for if you did, you would "kick yourself" over that behavior for a very long time. You will be so terrified and overwhelmed with My glory and My holiness that you will not be able to think clearly. I am about to manifest Myself to you at a higher level, with greater clarity and greater intensity, and you will find it overwhelming. Do not be frightened of making inappropriate responses.. child it will not be possible for you to respond to Me in a manner that you consider appropriate.. you will not be in control at all.. I will be in control.
You will find that I am good and I am loving and I am full of mercy and grace. At the same time, child, you will find that I am truthful and I am realistic. I am going to examine some areas of your life where you will not measure up. But fear not, I am not coming to condemn you, but to reveal and then to transform. Child, you will feel very small in My manifest presence. But know this, I am with you and I am for you and I will cause you to be changed and transformed. You have told Me that you desire a greater depth of intimacy with Me. Your heart has longed for this and you have cried out to Me for it. Child, I am granting it to you.. but you will find that face to face I am a very formidable God. You will not be able to stand before Me. Fear not, I will hold you in the palm of My hand and I will cover you with My wings. Child, the terror that will come upon you will not be to separate you from Me, but to draw you closer.
I am telling this to you now so that when you have stood before Me and felt the intensity of My holiness and the fire of My presence, you will know that I am pleased with you and that I am going to take you farther in Me than you have ever gone before. I love you child, and you are a cause of great delight to Me. Sinful humans cannot stand in My presence. And yet, as I allow you before Me, you will be transformed by My glory until you become the person who I have destined you to be. I am going to work a true humility in you, a humility that will not resist My call and My destiny on your life. I am going to give you eyes to see and ears to hear at a level that you have never moved at before. I am going to break the fetters of unbelief off of you and I am going to give you a gift of faith that will move mountains. I am going to allow you to come to an intimacy with Me that you have never experienced before.
See, child of Mine, My plans for you are good and I am pleased with you. Do not allow fear to overcome you, remind yourself of My character and of My nature and of My faithfulness. I am faithful to fulfill the promises that I have made to you, every one of them.