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This word is submitted by Vicki Dugas (VickiD50@aol.com)

God is Making Preparations

As the doors of hell are beginning to open widely..... so are the doors of heaven likewise opening widely! God is making preparations.

The very scripture that was spoken through the prophets for this very time is now coming to pass.

There are more signs being revealed now......especially to we who are in Christ Jesus ......than has ever been in any time since the beginning of all creation!

But remember saints. The Battle Belongs to the Lord. We follow Him! He leads! ..... We follow!

His timing is absolutely perfect. We must trust in that! Trust Him! We must not run ahead of Him!

Yes.....we need to read the scriptures and yes...they tell us things explicitly, divinely...... BUT........ God ultimately must be sought out and obeyed in and through all things! Let us let Him guide and show and teach us! Then and only then shall we be united and walk victoriously as the army of Jesus Christ!

Many great and wondrous things are about to come upon this earth. Things that will build your faith. There are things that God is purposely going to use to open the eyes of many who are blind spiritually and we who are in Christ Jesus are to be ready to give an answer for our faith and walk in the Lord Jesus Christ and also to lead them to Jesus and to their salvation. I see thousands in this as I speak about this. There will be so many you won't know where to start!

But to bring this about many things will have to happen to "frighten" mankind into God's reality!

We also need to be aware of this. You see........The Lord wants us UNITED as a body of Christ.....not at individuals. But as an ARMY of the LORD! Working together as to help and to encourage and to fight if necessary for those lost souls together in One Mind and One Spirit....... The Mind of Christ.....the Holy Spirit of God dwelling.....living within us. He doesn't want us comparing one against the other... NO MORE OF THAT! He wants us to walk together accepting our differences as different weapons or tools to be used in HIS ARMY! He wants to pull us away from the values of this world and this world system.


What are His words to us again? Behold, I am doing a new thing. IT IS TIME!