Prayer-School: A Man of Like Passions

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A Man of Like Passions (Don MacIntyre)

Originally from: "The MacIntyre's" <>

Originally dated: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 01:46:39 -0600 (MDT)

Dear school mates,

I've been studying that famous passage in James where he says "Elijah was a man of like passions as you, and he prayed and it did not rain in Israel for three years. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." etc.

Over the years that He has been working on me regarding prayer and intercession I keep being drawn back to this passage time and again for even greater revelations about effective prayer. Lately the word "passion" struck me. I used to think that this phrase "Elijah was a man of like passions" meant that he was just an ordinary man with ordinary passions, and I took solace in thinking "Well then I guess there's hope for me too, to pray and be heard". But just a little bit ago I saw something I've never seen before.

James, history records, was a very intense man of prayer. He is writing this letter from his perspective, namely intensity in prayer. He knows Elijah's spirit of prayer. ANd he is writing this to "on fire" christians in the early "on fire " church, not lukewarm ones, not marginal ones, and he uses the word "passions" to describe Elijah. What I now see is that I am reading a letter from an "on fire" intense prayer warrior describing a former "on fire" intense prayer warrior, and saying that "Elijah was a man of like passions",

In other words. ELijah was just as intensely passionate as you "on fire" christians are, and Elijah's prayer was heard, in fact the fervent prayer of just ONE "on fire" intensely passionate old man impacted an entire geographical region of the earth, impacted the entire climactic activity over that region, and impacted every man, woman, child, sheep, bear, tree, flower, and bug in the entire region for THREE WHOLE YEARS!!!

Just ONE MAN'S PRAYER!! God let me REALLY see the depth of that scripture that says "the weapons of our warefare are not carnal but MIGHTY to the pulling down of strongholds, and everything that exalts itself against the knowlege of God. .... etc.

The farther I go into this calling the more I see how little I really know and understand of the power God wants to unleash upon the earth in anser to our prayers. Oh the unclaimed victories that there must be because of un-passionate and un-fervent and un-righteous prayers. God help me go deeper.

In Him, Don

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