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The "Thoughts from Teresa" is a day late this week because I have been waiting on God to find out what He wanted me to write about. And when the deadline approached, He still had not shown me anything. So it became a bit of an obedience/faith test for me -- would I generate something on my own just to "meet the deadline?" Or would I wait until He showed me what He wanted to do? Waiting is hard when you have 1200 people expecting a lesson on Mondays, because that "feels" like pressure. But the bottom line is that to be effective in ministry, we have to do only what the Father is doing. If He is not doing anything, then we should not be trying to do something on our own. So I waited and no "Thoughts From Teresa" was sent on Monday.
This morning when I woke up, the Lord began to speak to me about this. He said that He wanted to release "Thoughts From God" this week instead of "from Teresa." I asked Him what that meant, and He said that I was to go over old prophetic words from the Prophetic-Word list and He would show me which ones He wanted to give to you this week. He pointed out two of them, one from December of 2000 and one from May of 2002.
So this week's "lesson" is two prophetic words that God wants to speak to
your heart. I pray that the His Spirit will speak to your spirit as you
read them, in order that they might transform you and empower you to be
and do all that He has for you.
"Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit" says the Lord.
I am about to pour out My spirit and My anointing in unprecedented measure. As the darkness gets darker, so will My light get brighter. Child, I am calling you to be My light. I work in and through My children. I pour out My Spirit and My anointing on willing vessels and I cause them to move in My authority to do real kingdom business.
Would you like to participate with Me in this, child of Mine? I am looking for willing vessels that I can use. I am looking for the hearts that will yield to Me, that will say, "Not my will, but yours be done, Lord." I am looking for individuals who will permit My indwelling Holy Spirit to change and transform them. I am looking for those who will set themselves apart for My purposes, committed to My Lordship in all aspects of their lives.
I am not looking for the skilled or the educated. I am looking for those who will yield to Me. I am not looking for the "greats", rather I am looking for those who will allow Me to do great things through them and who will be sure to give Me the glory for all I do. I am not looking for the talented, I am looking for those who are committed and willing to be obedient. I will be the one to equip you and make you able. As I pour out My spirit upon you, I make you truly able to do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
I cannot use those who love fame or reputation more than they love Me. I cannot use those who care more for their own agendas than they care for mine. But I can use any individual who comes to Me and says, "Lord, Here I am. I am willing. You, Lord, You empower me. You Lord, You fill me." Those who look to Me as their source and who are willing and obedient will see an increase of My anointing on their lives. They will see an increase of My Spirit and of My discernment upon them. They will be raised up to walk in My authority and they will usher in My kingdom and My victory. They will see what I am doing, for I will show them plainly, and I will empower them to do it with Me.
Child of Mine, would you like to be one of these? Present yourself to Me
with a pure heart, commit to obey Me and to yield to Me. Watch how I will
empower you and how I will use you to usher in My kingdom. All I ask of
you is a committed and yielded heart and a willingness to obey what I command
you to do. It must be My agenda and it must be done My way. If you are
willing, I will fill you. Commit to My Lordship, honor and obey Me, and
I will pour out My spirit upon you and work My glory within you.
My people, this is not a time for words, it is a time for faith and action. I am calling you to leave behind your limitations and come forward with Me. The limitations that are upon you are of your own making, not of Mine. Shake them off of you, they are not My will for you.
Have I not clearly shown you My will for you? It is not a placing of restrictions and limitations on your growth. Have you not read John 14:12-14? Did not My Son say that it is Our will for you to do the same works that Jesus did? Have you not read how He cast out demons, healed the sick, proclaimed the kingdom of Heaven, set captives free and worked signs and wonders that defied the laws of nature. Have you not read how Jesus saw what His Father was doing and then did it with Him. Child, this is My will for you as well!
Do you remember when Peter asked to walk with My Son on the water? What was Our response? Did We say "yes" or "no"? We said "Yes" and invited Peter out of the boat into walking with Us in Our power. It was not Peter's God who limited Peter and caused him to fail; it was his own lack of faith. Have you not read how My Son said "Come," and how Peter walked on the water in My power and anointing? It was not until he took his eyes off of My Son that he began to sink. He looked upon the storm and upon waves and he became frightened. He began to question his faith and that was when he began to sink. Yet, even when Peter's faith failed him, My Son did not fail him. My Son reached out and pulled Peter to safety, He did not allow him to be destroyed by his own fears and doubts.
Child, stretch forth your faith. Begin to believe what I have already said to you in My word, the Bible. Begin to read the promises that are there and begin to believe in them. Begin to stretch forth your faith to Me and watch Me meet you in it. For I have called you to do with Me what I am doing and the only thing that is limiting you in this is your own lack of faith.
I am not calling you to begin by calming the storm. For your faith needs to grow and it is My desire to assist you in this. But I am calling you to begin by taking baby steps in believing Me and in trusting Me. I am not sending you to the hospitals to heal all who are there and clear them out. But I am calling you to begin to pray for those around you who are sick... your friends, your coworkers, your brethren at Church. Watch Me meet you in those prayers that your faith may grow and increase. I am not calling you to hold city-wide crusades, but to share My power and My reality with those around you as situations arise. I am calling you to take baby steps of faith that you might learn to walk in faith. I am calling you to fix your eyes on My Son and on the promises He has given you. Do not focus on the problems or it will drain the little faith that you have. Rather, fix your attention on Me and allow Me to meet you and to increase your faith.
Child of Mine, it is My desire for you to be successful in Me. It is My desire for you to grow in faith, to learn to walk in My power and in My authority. It is My desire for you to see clearly what I am doing, that you might do it with Me. My plans for you are good, not evil. My desires for you are good. I desire to remove the limitations from you that hold you back from becoming the man or woman of God that I have destined you to be. My heart for you is that you might succeed in Me, that you be transformed to the image of My Son through My indwelling Spirit and that you be released in faith. I have not placed limitations on restrictions on you... Rather I have called you to do with Me the same works My Son did while He walked on this earth. Child that is My will for you, it is My plan for you.
I desire for you to walk in it on a daily basis. Many of you think, "I am not allowed to do this -- it is for someone else." But I say unto you, you are indeed allowed. I am not limiting you, you are limiting yourself. If only you stretch forth your faith, you will see My power and glory flow through you on a regular basis. For, child of Mine, I desire to do this for you.
It is My will for you to move with Me in My power on a daily basis. It is also My will for you to walk in holiness and victory. If you will look to Me, I will increase your faith so that you can do the very things with Me that I desire to do through you.
Child, I am not limiting you, you are limiting yourself. But if you allow Me to, I will remove those limitations from you. Look to Me and allow Me to increase your faith. Then you can step out and watch Me meet you. Come to Me and let Me expand your horizons. I desire to take you further than you believe it is possible to go. Allow Me to rework your expectations over this coming year. Allow Me to give you My vision, for child of Mine, it is time for you to move with Me in My power and glory.
The miraculous is to be normal for you. You are to be a demonstration of My power. And My anointing is to rest on you. Only believe, child of Mine, and all of this shall be yours. And if you are still unable to believe, then come to Me and allow Me to increase your faith. It is My desire to do that for you. For, child of Mine, I would have you walk in the supernatural on a daily basis. I would have you do with Me what I am doing that My glory might be manifest on this earth. Child of Mine, purpose in your heart to do this with Me and you shall obtain it. For, I am with you and you can do all things through Me.