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This word is submitted by Fred Kelly (fredkelly@prodigy.net)


Come To My Holy Mountain

Come unto My holy mountain says the Lord. For as you come unto My mountain then you come into My presence. I Am pouring out glory down with in you declares God.

For I've said I will declare a people that will shine and radiate for Me. For I've declared, I have called a people to be a light throughout all the earth, you must come unto My holy mountain, and walk in My holy call declares God.

For when you do that, you shall be restored, you shall be strengthened, you shall be renewed, and you shall go forth in the power of My Name, declares God.

But you must come unto My holy mountain, you must come unto My presence and you must absorb all that I am pouring down within you. Do not resist that which I have placed before you declares God, because when you resist you find yourself stumbling and falling in the darkness. But when you receive of Me, your footsteps shall be steady and they shall be straight, because you are walking on My holy mountain.

And when you come down from the mountain says God, there you shall see My presence touching those who are round about you. For even as I showed you in My Word My Son came down from the mountain. And as He came from the Mountain, then He touched people. Then they were set free. Then they were delivered. Then the were healed. Then they were restored, and He called them unto Himself.

So come unto My Holy Mountain an take in all that I am pouring into you. For I would have a people that would walk out the righteousness of My Son that I pour within you upon My Holy Mountain. Come My people, come My people, know that I Am your God and that I have called you to be the light unto the earth, declares God.

Fred Kelly