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This word is submitted by Carylann Hartley (Chart4God@aol.com)


Prepare To Do My Bidding

And I will be with you and I will bring you to new places and new heights and show you things that you have not even imagined. I will do this as you set your face toward me and as you go forth in MY name and MY power to do all that I am commanding you to do.

I will not share MY Glory with anyone nor will I have the name of MY Son defamed or trampled on anymore. You will not see all that I am doing until after much of it is finished.

If I were to show you all that is to take place you could not contain it. I am about to do things in new ways and through people and in places that will seem very unlikely to the natural man but I do not move in the natural. I will bring forth ALL that I have said and much more.

It is for now and not just for a future time. Yes, the time is short but do not look for the supernatural, look for Me for then you will find ALL that you need or could ever desire! Draw close and do not hold back or be afraid of what is to come. Do not look to man but only to me. Do not fear nor tarry but go forth with a new boldness and a new vigor.

I will give you the energy that you need and will sustain you in all that you will have to do. Now is still a time of change and rest but SOON it will be a time of action and a time to bring forth that which has been hidden in Me. People that I have been preparing and things that I have been preparing will suddenly be before you and you will wonder why you never saw these people or these things happening before. I will bring it all forth in due season.

Prepare yourself for a holiness that seems impossible. Do this by turning completely to me! Turn the eyes of your heart toward Me and My Son, then the Spirit will fill you to overflowing and you will go forth as pure gold having been through the refiner's fire. You will go forth as a stream in the desert, pure and clear, to give drink to the thirsty and as food, manna, to feed the hungry. It will be My food and My drink that you will take to them as I lead. Prepare yourself and stay in the FIRE so that you will be able to do this when the time comes.

Look not to yourself but to Me and then to others. Keep your eyes off of yourself or you will not be in a place to feed and give drink to My people when the time comes.

given to Carylann Hartley