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This word is submitted by Jack McKinstry

Set Yourself Free

Come, my child, and enter into my rest.

Why are you so discontent? Why do you place so much pressure upon yourself? Why do you have such high expectations about your performance?

If whatever is said or done is not the produce of love, then what good is it? If whatever is said or done is not filled with joy and fellowship in Christ, then what good does it do? If whatever is endeavored is not pursued in the company of the Spirit, then where is your love, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost?

Dear child, it is so very easy to do the right things from the wrong reasons, from the emotions of the flesh. Even that which is noble and good can be pursued from a mentality of performing for acceptance and love. It is part of the human experience. You can even apply such standards to the acceptance of yourself by yourself. If you have trouble accepting yourself, then your authentic personality in Christ is masked and hidden from others. You have not set yourself free from your self-life, as is your opportunity so to do in Christ. Such a mentality affects even your relationship with God as you unconsciously strive for acceptance through performance. Such a mentality is to denigrate your loving, total acceptance before God in Christ Jesus. It is to miss the mark of living freely and authentically in the ocean of God's great love, for God is love.

Dear child, if you never accomplished a thing for Christ, if all your works were for naught, and if all your struggles were in vain, know most assuredly that you are still my beloved.

You are my beloved always. You are so very precious to me. I love you with an undying, eternal love, an unconditional love. You are my joy. You are my pleasure. You are my fulfillment. You are the light and love of my heart. I love you just as you are. I love you just as you are able. I love you, dearly beloved, with all the limitless love of God. I shall never stop loving you. My passion for you knows no bounds.

Set yourself free, my child. Enter into the rest of God's love. Cast off all cares and worries about your performance. Abide in the love of God in Christ. Have faith in God and in His loving acceptance of you just as you are. Nothing can separate you from the love of God; not even a performance oriented mentality. The love of God is aggressive. His love shall pursue and overtake you. Cease your labors and find rest and peace in the love of God. You are my beloved for evermore.