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This word is submitted by David Remer

It Is No Different

"Why do you cry and suffer? Cast all your anxieties upon me! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. No thing is a challenge for me. I have TOLD you that 'In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!' (Jn 16:33b)

What you are suffering is what you have prayed and asked for. It is what you sing in your gatherings in my name...to feel the Refiner's Fire!

And what you are feeling is NO DIFFERENT from what the others who have served me in my Name had to suffer. To weed out the Enemy in their lives.

Did Peter not suffer loss when he denied me and when Satan sifted him "as wheat"? Did not Job suffer great loss, yet he did not blaspheme my name, but lifted me up in praise? Did not David suffer great loss hiding in the caves from Saul, or fleeing in the night from Absalom?

What about Jonah within the bowels of the leviathan within the oceans' depths? Did he not suffer for my name? Did not Elijah despair of his own life and cry out to me in agony? What about Saul (Paul) who cried out to me in his chains in prison? Joseph lived for 13 years in prison before I let him out.

Moses lived for 40 years in another country in fear of his very life.

Is there no depth to which I cannot come to rescue you? Am I not here now?

It is NO DIFFERENT. What you are suffering, I am allowing you to suffer so that you will draw closer to me. DEPEND upon me. Ask of me and you will receive it.

There is a scripture I have given you. You have hardly worn it out in your using it:
(Jn 16:22-24) 'So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my FAther will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you hae not asked for anythingin my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.' "

Note that Moses (murder), David (adultery and murder when he fled from Absalom), and Jonah (fleeing God's command to preach to Nineveh) were all being punished for disobedience. But God's refining fire was at work in them THEN, TOO. Just a note for those of you who feel "unworthy" of forgiveness (note we are ALL unworthy of Christ's unfailing love and forgiveness) and to all those who feel that because they "sinned, (they) 'deserve it'."

Well...the Lord is saying (through me)....GET YOUR EYES OFF of yourself and look to him. Not only for forgiveness, but for reconciliation, healing, and prosperity to again come. You have only to ASK THE FATHER. So says the Lord.

--Humbly submitted through David Remer for your prayerful discernment and approval.