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Date: May 14, 2002

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                   Have No Fear

What do you fear?  I cradle the Earth and all that is in it in my arms.  Are
they too short to hold all that is bothering you?  I gaze upon all my people
and I never slumber, I never sleep.  Are you any less to me than they?  I am
the creator of all that you see.  I hold all things in my hands.  Come to
me, you who are weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest.  I am the one
to unburden you.  I am the one who is able to carry you.

Why do you fear?  All that is below and above you is in my hands.  I filled
the seas, and I can empty them with one move of my right hand.  Can I not
also move all that is blocking your path?  I have made a straight way for
you, a right way, a wonderful way.  I will not hurt you, no, I will not let
harm come upon you.

There is work that you need to do.  You can only do it on Earth.  I know,
you are in the world and not of it, I know you are a stranger there, yet
that is where the work is to be done.  That is where my name needs to be
Glorofied.  That is where I shall be magnified.  That is where I need you,
for my children cry out and I need harvesters in the fields.

It is time to move on.  It is time to shake off the fears, for nothing can
harm you.  I will empower you.  I will enable you.  I am your armour, in me
put your trust.  Lay all your cares at my feet and see what I will do.  See
what I can change.  See what I have prepared for you and watch as I move in
every area of your life.  Give it all to me.  Keep nothing back for I am in
everything.  Your cares are not too small that I shall ignore them, nor too
big that I shall run from them.  Run to me.  You who are weary, you who are
tired, call upon my name.  Call upon me.