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Date: May 13, 2002

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                           Fear Not!

The Lord would say, My child, rise up against fear.  For the enemy is 
coming in like a flood with a strategy to take some of you out by fear.
And fear has come against you, particularly in the last month, at a 
higher level than you are used to.  And you have been wondering, "Lord 
what have I done wrong?" You have been wondering how this fear could 
gain a stronghold over you. 

And I say to you, Child you have not done anything wrong.  This is a time 
and a season where the enemy is unleashing strategies of fear against the 
elect at a level and intensity that they have not seen before.  But child, 
fear not, for I am with you.  And I say that My perfect love casts out 
all fear, and this strategy of the enemy will come to naught against you
if you only choose to believe what I have already told you in my word.
For my love for you is perfect, child of mine, and perfect love casts out 
all fear.

You ask why I would allow such an attack to come against you.  Child, I 
allow it because I am teaching you to war.  I am allowing you to wrestle 
with fear that you migth see My faithfulness.  For I will not leave you 
nor will I forsake you, but I will cause you to walk in My victory.  And 
as you take the victory, you learn experiencially that fear has no power 
over you; for you are under my power and you walk in My anointing and My 
Spirit is with you.  And child, I am teaching you to be an overcomer and 
one who walks in victory.

So fear not and know that I am with you.  Know that My promises are true
and that I have ordained victory for you.  Now rise up in My truth and 
trample the enemy's tactics of fear that he tries to bring against you.
For I have already given you the victory, now go walk in it.