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Date: Dec 12, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]



Child of Mine, I have given you a hope and a calling.  Trust in the
promises that I have made to you--both the ones in My written word, the
bible, and the promises that I have made to you directly and personally.
I am the God of all hope and I always keep My promises.

Did I not promise Abraham a son, the fruit of his loins, as an heir
through which the people of the earth would be blessed?  By human
accounting, My promise was a long time in coming.  But it was as certain
on the day that I first made it as it was on the day that first he held
his infant son in his arms.  I am in all times and I know all things and
I will surely keep My promises to you.

I am the God of all truth; I am the God Who always keeps My word.  I do
not make promises lightly, for I cannot lie.  Therefore, you must expect
that I will indeed keep My word to you. It would go against My very nature
to do otherwise.  So hold on to the promises that I have made to you and
believe Me, and you surely shall not be disappointed.

Many things will come at you to discourage you, to try and rip that hope
away from you.  Therefore, I strongly encourage you to hang on--hold fast
to the hope and do not allow it to be taken away from you.  Remember that
you are not placing your hope in yourself or in your ability to walk in
great faith or in your ability to accomplish these things for yourself.
You are placing your hope in Me and in My character.  My nature cannot
change--I am faithful. I am also good and loving and I take care of My

When you feel the hope beginning to slip away, look to My word to
encourage yourself. Remind yourself often of Who I am and of what I have
done for My own throughout history.  Realize that I do not change, I am
the same yesterday, today and forever.

If I was faithful to Abraham, then I will surely be faithful to you. If
I delivered My people Israel from their bondage in Egypt, then I will
surely deliver you from yours.  If I protected and preserved David's
life when his enemy sought to destroy him, then I will surely protect
and preserve you as well. If I provided all that was needed for Solomon
to build the temple, then I will surely provide all that you need for
the ministry I am calling you to.

I cannot change, and I am faithful. If you put your hope in Me and you
will not be disappointed.  Hold fast to the promises that I have given
you, and you will surely see them fulfilled. Do not give ear to the devil
and his lies of discouragement. Choose to fix your eyes and your ears
upon Me. Remind yourself often of the things I have already done for you
and listen to the testimonies of what I am doing in the lives of others.
Remind yourself of My goodness, of My faithfulness and of My great love
and compassion for you.  Know that I am good and that I am the God who
always keeps His word and fulfills His promises.

Hold fast to the hope that I have given to you and you will not be