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Date: Nov 13, 2006

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                    Rise Up Into Victory

Rise up, child of Mine, and fix your eyes expectantly on Me. Do not put
your attention on your circumstances and difficulties--they are only for
a season and there is no reason for them to have power over you. Don't
look at them; look to Me instead.  Do not look at the storm, or at the
waves of the sea that billow and toss around you. Keep your gaze fixed
solely upon Me, and I will cause you to stand firm. I will empower you
to walk on water and to still the storms in your life.  I will take good
care of you, as you look to Me in faith and obedience.

The time and season is at hand where I desire to release a greater level
of the miraculous back into My church, and into the lives of each of
My own.  I want to give a testimony of My glory and of My provision to
each of My own. I want to do this in your life. I want to release an
anointing for great victory in each of your situations.  And, dear
child, the good news is that I am able to accomplish this.  So keep your
eyes on Me, in order that you can see what I am doing.  Learn to flow
with Me in that which I am about to release.

Make a commitment to seek and pursue Me.  Purpose in your heart that 
you will believe Me and to trust in My truth. Do not give ear to the many
lies that your enemy whispers to you, for that breeds unbelief.  Determine
ahead of time that you will not listen to him when he next speaks his
lies to you.  Purpose in your heart that you will fix your ears upon Me
instead, and listen for My voice.  Look to Me and see what I am doing
and where I am going. That way you can go there with Me.

I intend do mighty works on your behalf and to empower you in all things,
so learn to put My reality above the circumstances that surround you.  I
will provide for you in amazing ways and I will cause a great testimony
to go before you to bring glory to My name.

I am your provider and protector.  Learn to look to Me expectantly, learn
to believe the things that I have promised to you.  Remind yourself that
I am almighty and all powerful, and that I can do all things.

Rise up in faith and do whatever I command you to do, knowing that at times
I will command you to things that sound impossible. Do not loose heart at
those times, for My indwelling Holy Spirit will empower you to accomplish
whatever I ask of you.  I am removing the limits from off of you, and I am
inviting you into greater measures of My glory.

Fix your eyes on Me and look expectantly to Me. Rise up, child of Mine,
and learn to walk with Me in faith. Then you will see My glory come into
every area of your life and you shall walk in My victory!