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Date: Nov 10, 2006

This word is submitted by Lonnie Mackley [lbmkly@yahoo.com]


                    Just Because I Love You

My dear one, I am going to be blessing you.  I will perform great miracles
in your life in the days just ahead, and I wanted you to know beforehand
that I do these things not because of your efforts or righteousness, but
simply because I love you.  Also I want you to know that I am not limited
in any way by your age, your problems, or any other circumstance of your
life, and I can do things simply because I choose to do so.  There are no
restrictions for Me, so expect Me to do not just the ordinary, but the
very extraordinary.  I can make your life anything I want it to be, so
nothing is ever too late.

I delight in blessing you, dear one. Even as I have had you bear the
reproaches of going through the humiliating circumstances of the
wilderness in front of many people that misjudged you in various ways,
so I also enjoy blessing you in front of those same people.  I desire to
honor you and show Myself faithful to all who wait for My help. Your very
reproaches will be turned into great testimonies after I act on your
behalf. That which was once an embarrassing burden to bear will now
become a great trophy of My goodness and faithfulness to all those who
serve Me with a whole heart.

I have heard you say in your heart "All I ever get are prophetic words,
but nothing ever seems to happen". I give you prophetic words to
encourage you in the truths that I have spoken so that you will
continue to embrace My truth in challenging times. My words are just
as true now as they were when I first spoke them. But sometimes there
is much preparation involved before I do something in your life that
will require great responsibility and accountability on your part. Know
that the miracles I now do are just because I love you, and know also
that I am not limited in what I can do for you.