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My Bride Is Not Ready

by Karen Velez

Originally from: Karen Velez <KVelez3482@aol.com>

Originally dated: 26 Oct. 1998

My Bride, My Beloved, is not yet ready, she is still spotted with the things of this world.
She has played the harlot with My affections long enough
But yet, I love her
And I am purifying My bride as through fire
I am making her without spot or blemish
But the time has come for judgment to begin at the House of God
Yes, My Bride will be tried and tested through fire and affliction
But it is out of love, that she not be destroyed, but purified
Seek My face, for I have wooed you constantly with My words of love
But now, it is time to make yourself ready, My Bride
For I am coming SOON
My love surrounds and overshadows you but I must have a bride of purity, a virgin
So My church, My beloved bride, seek Me now
Seek My face
For times of hardship are coming
The wind of My spirit is blowing and all that is not of Me will blow away in the wind
Anchor to the rock
Anchor to Me
Look unto Me, for I am your shelter and supply but DO NOT FEAR
For I indeed am with you always, even unto the end of the world
Unconditionally, eternally and with all my heart.....

Thank you Lord, for your love and faithfulness to all your children....
All Glory, Honor and Praise be unto the Lord God!

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