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Why do Bad Things Happen
To Good Christians?
(May 16, 2002)

by Teresa Seputis

I got an email from someone sharing a series of difficult incidents, such as being financially stretched and unable to find a job, then having their car broken into and some things they need to survive stolen and not having the money to replace them. They wrote that they "have made my requests known before the throne of heeaven. I have sown seeds in terms of giving, I have done all I know how to do...... But it seems heaven is silent. I am in a dry period. I am discouraged, I am hurting. I want God to come through in my situation."

Here is a portion of my reply.. I felt that some of the priciples I shared with this individual might be helpful for others as well...

There are too many possible things that could be contributing to your situation for me to offer help/advice over the internet. I don't know which ones apply to you, but I will list a few of them.. and of course, the care and prayer startegy is different depending on the cause. I will not be able to assit you with any sort of long term pastoral care or support in your situation, you need to find someone in your area who can meet with you face to face.. usually one's pastor is the best place to start. Occasionally people end up in churches where personal pastoral care is not the pastor's strong point. In those cases, pray that God leads you to someone locally (maybe a home group leader, deacon, elder, mature and loving saint in your church whom you respect, etc) that can walk along side of you.

Possible causes can include:

You mentioned that you were discouraged because of all my awesome testamonies of how God comes through for me and you were not seeing that in your own life. I think you may have gotten the impression that I am protected and nothing bad ever happens to me. Well, that is not the case. Bad things happen to me just like they happen to everyone else. The difference is that I have an assureance that God will bring His glory into every situation and I can draw on His peace and comfort. Just 5 days ago, my wallet was stolen when I was at a sporting event. It had all of my credit cards, my drivers license, my medical/dental insruance cards, my minister's license, and $460 cash. (I had just been to the bank and the reason I had the wallet in my pocket was because there was too much cash in it to risk leaving it in the car where someone might break in). About 2/3 of the way through the sporting event, I noticed that my wallet was missing and spent a lot of time and effort looking for it, reporting it list, retracing my steps, etc. It was no where to be found and it was not turned in. I felt so absolutely awful that words cannot describe it. I knew that God would work His glory into the situation at some point but I knew that was not a promise that He would cause the wallet to be returned to me. I prayed ferverently for HIm to return it to me, but He choose to say No to that prayer. I was able to get all of the credit cards cancelled before anyone charged anything on them, but it is certainly inconveient not having any cards for the 10 days until the replacements arrive. I had to miss a day of work to get a temporary license, etc. It was really inconvenient and of course, $460 is a lot of money to loose.

I was rather unsettled and anxious the first 3 or 4 hours after I lost the wallet, but as I began to turn my eyes to the Lord, He began to comfort me. Yes, He does sometimes allow bad things to happen to His children even when they are in the center of His will and actively obeying Him. I found that I could turn my eyes off of the problem and look to Him and worship Him. I don't have any great testimony right now of how He worked His glory in this situation.. maybe I will have one several monthes from now. But I have a supernatual peace that things will work out and I have a confidence that God is with me. The fact that I am in His peace instead of upset and anxious is a testimony in and of itself.. a long time ago I would have been very upset and unsettled for weeks because of this, but I was only unsettled a few hours because of His supernatural peace that passes all understanding. I am sharing this testimony with you so that you understand that no one is protected from anything bad ever happening to them.. but that God works in all situations to bring His glory, over time, as we trust Him, providing we are in intimate relationship with Him and commited to obey Him and walk out His lordship in our day to day lives.

I encourage you to find someone local who knows/loves you to walk along side of you in your situation. You might want to look over this list of possible causes (and related strategies) and see which ones apply to your sitation.

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