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Faith And Healing
In our last lesson we saw the Holy Spirit needs to specifically reveal
the cause of sickness, by the Word Of Knowledge or Discernment Of Spirits.
Accurate diagnosis is vital for permanent cure. Prophetic insights allow
God to deal with root causes not just sickness. (Cf. Sin causing paralysis.
Mark 2:5)
In general, sin is the cause of sickness (Rom 5:12). Some sickness are inherited & carried to other generations but this must be revealed by the Spirit but personal sin can be cause of personal sickness. Afflicting spirits can also bring sickness. These needed to be spiritually discerned (1 Cor 12:10). Not every disease is from demons though some are (Matt 8:16). Holy Ghost discernment of spirits is needed here.
Other causes are purely a physical condition in your body. The Holy Spirit can show deficiency of foods. Jesus gave risen daughter of Jairus, something to eat! God can also show inactivity or lack of exercise (1 Tim 4:8 ) or lack of rest. Careless exposure to weather or disease needs to be watched on missionary trips by prophetic people. The Holy Spirit has warned me of geographical conditions, like bad water (1 Tim 5:23).
Finally the prophetic healing ministry should be worked by teams for best results.
What about those suffering ? Do they also have a part to play? This week's lesson explains faith and healing.
In general terms, the Sign Of Healing requires faith (Mark 16:18) even by non-Christians.
The Gift Of Healing, does not require faith from the sick person! The Lord could even heal His enemies (Luke 22 v.50-51) when under a prophetic anointing.
What is the kind of faith required by the sick person?
You must believe God exists and He will meet the diligent seeker (Heb 11:1-6). This is basic!
Faith starts with God and His prophecies and not with man's feelings (Ro 10:17). The individual must be prepared to listen to God's word and be unwilling to hear anything that contradicts it if God has given His promise to heal; there comes moment when it is unbelief to go on asking. Therefore the healing prophet and the sick person, should seek first to hear from God, and once He communicates, be prepared to act (James 2:26). Realize that God has more to loose than you do, if he fails to keep His promises. Peter stepped out of the boat on Christ's word (Matthew 14:29). If he had drowned thereafter, Christ would have been responsible for calling him out of the boat, knowing in advance what would be the outcome !
Peter was upheld, even when he doubted, because Jesus had given His word!
Once the prophet and the patient are both sure they have heard from God, they should look at Christ - not at themselves to generate faith.
Faith rests on the character of God, not human attributes! (Num 23:19) Jesus, not the prophet, starts and finishes genuine faith (Heb 12:2).
The prophet needs to have confidence that Christ will always finish what He begins (Phil 1:6). He should exhort the sick person to look continually to Christ, so that they can remove every obstacle to believing. The Lord Himself did this in prophetic vision on the Mountain.
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (KJV)
The teacher may emphasize what you believe. The Prophet must emphasize Whom you believe! At Darkley Assembly (later the scene of an IRA massacre) I showed a sick man all the doctrine and he saw the correct teaching. He was only healed however, when the prophetic Pastor commanded him "My cows have missed milking two mornings, coming to speak to you. God is reliable. He is saying to you "Get out of bed NOW!" The man acted on the command and was permanently healed!
This is "the prophetic prayer of faith" (James 5:14-15) which is for all sick people. This kind of prayer brings a healing, because it is based on:
A. Sure knowledge of the will of God - "If it be thy will" is the kind of prayer to discover the will of God, which is not the same as knowing it.
B. Based on the finished work of Christ on the cross, not the merits of man (1 Pet 2:24). Just as Moses healed by divine direction through the sick looking at the brass serpent (Num 21:9) so the sick must be given a prophetic vision of the finished work of Christ at Calvary (John 19:30).
C. A prophetic assurance god will hear prayer, even when no immediate answer can be seen . Just as the prophet Elijah knew there would be rain when Israel repented (1 Kings 18:41) through God's covenant in His word, yet he continued in prayer until something visible happened (1 Kings 18:43-45).
D. Knowledge by the prophet that this is God's time to work. The sick man in Acts 3 had been passed by the Lord, and even daily by the Apostles, without result. He expected money not healing, but Peter knew this was the time to pass on the power of God
Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I HAVE, GIVE I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.(KJV)
At once his feet and anklebones (medical Greek terms supplied by Luke the doctor ) received strength. He received the GIFT OF HEALING.
The Gift has to operate under divine authority and direction - as the Roman Centurion pointed out in Matthew chapter 8. The prophet can only speak under authority to achieve such results, but when he speaks, things happen!
How does this affect us today? We should read our bible with hearts open to God and cultivate daily relationship to the Lord through the Holy Spirit. we believe with our heart not just with our head (Romans 10:10). We need a personal word from god to hide in our heart (Psalms 119:11). The Lord had many healings in one place (Mark 1:35) but after early prayer, moved on to other places. Paul was told not to heal but to go preach in another area (Acts 16:6) while Phillip was taken from miracle meetings, to the middle of a desert in Acts 8:26!
Having teaching on healing is not sufficient by itself, but is an essential foundation and may trigger prophetic revelation. For instance, God may speak to us via our normal daily devotions and scripture reading. A verse may suddenly come to us personally, just as if God were speaking directly to us, giving us a firm promise.
Listen to teaching and preaching which is inspired by the Holy Ghost.
Psalms 119:130. Be open to god leading your eyes to see faith in others! The man did this at Lystra and got healed. Acts 14:8-9 shows that the sick person was believing God, but also Paul's eyes were directed to see him! This may be by open vision, and sometimes includes a detailed knowledge of the sickness and its history.
My experience is that this word comes prophetically without prior warning and quite distinct from structured teaching in which our mind is more involved than our spirit. There are however, different ways the Lord operates prophetically. My friend Bill sees the sickness like an X-Ray, and the black part becomes gold as God heals it. My late friend Ernie, had oil from heaven appear on his hands. Christ in other prophets, feels the symptoms of the sickness in the body of the healer (Heb 4:15) while others have a sensation of heat when the power of God is present to heal - so there are varieties of operation (1Cor 12:8-10). In some meetings, everyone can be healed when the power of God is present to do it (Luke 5:17)
What should be the reaction when this occurs? We must act on this word when it comes. The captive maid in 2 Kings Chap 5, had never seen anyone healed of leprosy (Luke 4:27) but she refused to wish ill on her captor or to limit the power of god in a genuine prophet! As a result, Naaman was healed, (not the way he thought he should be!) He was healed as he humbled himself and obeyed the man of God. The power of the prophet to heal, can often be triggered by the child-like faith of a simple soul who believes God and acts out of love!
Next, express your faith in action. Christ actually saw corporate faith when the paralyzed man was brought to the house by his friends, and healed him on that basis (Matt 9:2). Is it possible that they let down the ropes when they had lowered the bed because they expected him to get up and walk away? Show God you believe him by what you do. This is prophetic action!
Let me share an example:
One man came into our meetings eating fish and chips!
"This is not a restaurant " I pointed out.
"No," he replied, "I am English and love fish and chips, but I have been unable to eat any, because of my stomach ulcer. When God heals me today, I shall have my first decent meal of fish and chips in ten years..!!"
We need more prophetic expectation like this!
Faith must be shown in an attitude over a period. Bartimaeus expected healing, but had to fight unbelief and lack of compassion in others (Mark chapter 10). The prophet must move in compassion. Desiring spiritual gifts and healing must be done earnestly, but a better way to enjoy them, is to develop love for people (1 Cor 12:30 and chapter 13).
Once healed, also the sick person needs to follow the Lord!
Mark 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.
He was healed because he meant to go on. That was the last time Jesus went through Jericho. He would have missed the healing, if he had not pressed through.
Allow your faith to be expressed in words.
Mark 10:51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. (KJV)
Bartimaeus told the Lord what he believed would happen. After healing, take a public stand for what Christ has done for you. Ten lepers were healed, but only one came back to give thanks. All were healed as they walked to the priest (doctor) to be examined, but only one was made whole (Luke 17:19) by coming back to thank the Lord. Start praising! Do not continue asking!
Acts 3:8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.(KJV)
Realize that the anointing by the Holy Spirit is not just to heal you, but also to make you a healer of others! One of our listeners to United Christian Broadcasters in UK, had a prophetic experience of speaking in other tongues in prayer (Acts 10:45). She shared this by sign language with her teacher, born deaf and dumb. He signed that he wished for the same experience, and despite his condition, was able to speak in tongues and hear himself praising God here in Ulster!