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Prophetic Mini-Course Series

Series Introduction and Course Overview

Announcing: On-Line Prophetic Training Series

A Prophet's Eye-View of Old Testament History Begins Jun 7, 2010 (this is a repeat of course 24).

The Prophetic School Training Mini-Course Series... a series of short classes and (teaching and discussion) that will be offered on the prophetic-school list. Various members of the leadership core teach short courses (usually 4 to 12 weeks) on various topics relevent to the prophetic.

To Enrole in the Prophetic Mini-Course Series:

If you are already subscribed to the prophetic-school email list, you don't have to do anything, you are automatically enrolled in this course.

If you are not yet subscsribed, then all you have to do is to subscribe to the prophetic-school list, and that will also enrole you in the course. Lesson material (teaching) will be sent out on the list on Mondays. All course-related discussion will be on the prophetic-school list.

If you are not already subscribed to the prophetic-school list, send email to < prophetic-school-join@godspeak.cc>. Then follow the simple subscribe-confirmation instructions that will be emailed to you.

Or you can subscribe to the list from a www page by clicking here. (You will stil lneed to follow the simple subscribe confirmation instructions that will be emailed to you.

The first lesson in the "A Prophet's Eye-View of Old Testament History" series will be sent out to the prophetic-school list on Monday, Jun 7, 2010. To join the course, simply subscribe to the list before then.

WWW Information:

Leadership Core Bios
Mini-Course #51 Series

Course #51 description:

A Prophet's Eye-View of Old Testament History
Teresa Seputis

Mondays, beginning Jun 7, 2010; lasts for 18 weeks.

Course Contents/Description:
This course will consist of 18 lessons. It will look at Old Testament History from a prophetic prospective and also explain and demonstrate why it is important for prophetic people to have a good grasp of Old Testament history.
(The "Prophetic-School" list will continue to function as it has been with other discussion as well, centered around topics pertaining to the prophetic; but in addition to the "regular stuff" we will be giving and receiving feedback about the information contained in each week's teaching article.)

[Course 51 Index] [Prophetic-School Index] [Mini-Series Index ]