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Prophetic Mini-Course Series

Series Introduction and Course Overview

Announcing: On-Line Prophetic Training Series

The Prophetic School Training Mini-Course Series... a series of short classes and (teaching and discussion) that will be offered on the prophetic-school list. Various members of the leadership core teach 4 to 10 week courses on various topics relevent to the prophetic.

To Enrole in the Prophetic Mini-Course Series:

If you are already subscribed to the prophetic-school email list, you don't have to do anything, you are automatically enrolled in this course.

f you are not yet subscsribed, then all you have to do is to subscribe to the prophetic-school list, and that will also enrole you in the course. Lesson material (teaching) will be sent out on the list on Mondays. All course-related discussion will be on the prophetic-school list.

If you are not already subscribed to the prophetic-school list, send email to < prophetic-school-join@godspeak.cc>. Then follow the simple subscribe-confirmation instructions that will be emailed to you.

The first lesson in Teresa's "The Judgments Of God" series will be sent out to the prophetic-school list on Monday, June 22, 2009. To join the course, simply subscribe to the list before then.

WWW Information:

Leadership Core Bios
Mini-Course #47 Series

Course #47 description:

The Judgments Of God
Teresa Seputis

Mondays, beginning June 22, 2009; lasts for 12 weeks.

Course Contents/Description:
This is a time and season where a lot of people are spewing out all sorts of judgment and condemnation words. Many of them are false, but not all of them. This teaching series is designed to help us understand God's judgment, so we can distinguish between a true judgment word and a false one.

This teaching series takes a detailed look at what God's judgments are really like. It explains what God is trying to accomplish through them, and it looks at who He might judge, and how He might do so. It also examines some of the popular misconceptions about judgment, and it explores the concept of correction. Then it looks at some current events in the light of God's judgment and correction.

The course deals with some interesting and related issues and questions, including:

  • Are We Living In The End Time Judgments?
  • Can We Love Sinners While Hating Sin?
  • Why Are People Tempted To Prophesy Falsely?
  • Why Are There So Many False Judgment Words?

Then it closes with the concept of prayerfully judging ourselves and learning to walk in personal holiness

(The "Prophetic-School" list will continue to function as it has been with other discussion as well, centered around topics pertaining to the prophetic; but in addition to the "regular stuff" we will be giving and receiving feedback about the information contained in each weeks teaching article.)

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