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-- © GodSpeak International 2007 --
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Author: Teresa Seputis ts@godspeak.net http://www.godspeak.net

FireSide Chat II

Informal Prophetic MentoringWith Teresa Seputis


Normally the prophetic-school has a teaching series, which is comprised of some number of lessons on a given theme. We usually prepare the entire teaching series in advance of sending the first lesson out. That had been our practice since our we started offering lessons in 1998.

About a year ago, the Lord told me to temporarily stop doing that, and to do something different instead. The "something different" was to start a weekly informal mentoring on topics of His choice. At times I would take questions from one of the class members and answer it. At other times the Lord would give me something specific to teach.

This class was actually a bit "harder" to teach from my perspective, because each week I would have to seek God about what He wanted to do in the class on that given week. But it was neat because the weekly topics were Spirit-led, and many times they turned out to be timely and relevant for a lot of people in the class.

Of course, it is a bit scary to write a fresh lesson each week instead of having a complete series prepared in advance. Why was it scary? Because there are times when I have bad or dry weeks where I don't feel all that spiritual, but I still have to hear from God and put out a lesson each Monday. That forced me to really depend on God to write that kind of weekly series and it stretched my faith.

It was also more work for me, because I had to write a fresh lesson each and every week. In fact, God had some fun with me on it. There were many weeks that He would not tell me what to write on until Monday morning--the lessons went out on Mondays, as did my weekly prophetic word for the prophetic-word list. That made Mondays a really busy day for me. But it also made Mondays a day where God spoke to me a great deal. Each Monday was almost like a work-date with God.

The Lord had me so something similar on the prayer school a few years ago, and that lasted for about six months. When I started the Fireside Chat on the prophetic school a year ago, I had no idea how long God would have me do this format. I thought it would probably be four to six months, but I wasn't entirely sure how He wanted it to run.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it is a year later, and God still wants to run the class the same way. I know that this is His leading and not "Teresa's idea" because Teresa would never have a single class with this many lessons in it. Also, quite frankly, it would be easier for me to sit down for a week and write an 8 or 9 week teaching series on some topic. Then I would have two months where I don't have to work to write "fresh" lessons each week. But I want to be led by His Spirit, even when His leading is not as "convenient" as the way I would prefer to do things.

I like it when God is in control, don't you? God always has a way of doing things better than I can think or imagine.

This new course is sort of a continuation of the original "Fireside Chat" teaching series. The index page for that course was getting too long, with 48 lessons in it. So, to "celebrate" the one-year anniversary of this class, I have stared a "new" series that is really more of the same. It is called "Fireside Chat II."

I don't know if it will run for a month or a year or sometime in between. Who knows, maybe in March of 2009 I will be starting a Fireside Chat III?

So what should you expect out of this course? I am not sure, because it is God's agenda and not mine. But I have this hopeful expectation that one of the things God will accomplish in this teaching series will continue be a bit of prophetic mentoring for many of you. I believe the Lord wants to raise up a people who are able to hear what He is saying, and then say it with Him. I believe that God wants to prophetic to break out of the church and into conversations with the grocery checker at the local supermarket, or with the person who is sitting next to you in the waiting room of your doctor or dentist.

I believe that the Lord wants me to impart some of my experience and knowledge into the lives of those who He is raising up in the prophetic. I won't be able to have a personal relationship with most of the prophetic-school students, but this series will both give you a chance to know me a bit better and it will maybe help you learn a few things that will be helpful to you as you grow in your gifting.

The end goal, of course, is that you raise up to the full measure of what God wants to do with you and in you. He has big plans for you and I would like to help you better prepare for walking them out with Him.

The Fireside Chatseries has been different than other teaching series I've done on the prophetic school, but I find myself enjoying it. I will continue to take questions on the prophetic that are emailed to me, but I may not be able to take every question that comes. I will try to select ones that are relevant to most people in the school. So if you have questions on the prophetic that you have been hoping to ask, please go ahead and send them to me at the "prophetic-school-owner@godspeak.cc" email address.

I can't promise I will answer your question, but I will answer some of the questions in this teaching series. I will also share things that God lays on my heart to share. The end-goal of this series is to help you grow in the prophetic, so that you can be better equipped to do what the father is doing.

I am looking forward to spending the next however-many-weeks-God-leads with you. I hope this new 'Fireside Chat II' teaching series will be a blessing to you.

-- © GodSpeak International 2007 --
-- Do not republish without written permission from <copyright@godspeak.org> --

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