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When we talk about false judgment/condemnation prophecies, we need to separate them down into two categories: those given to believers and those given unbelievers. Let's talk about unbelievers first.
False Words To Unbelievers
In lesson 3, I talked about wounded, critical, angry people who release false judgment words out of their own spirit. That is not what I am referring to about here. I am talking about how the devil intentionally uses false prophecy to accomplish his purposes.
The devil carefully and skillfully uses false words of condemnation and judgment to alienate certain people groups from the gospel, to make it much harder for people in this group to be saved. How does he make it harder for them? The false words of judgment and condemnation convince people that Jesus hates them and wants to destroy them. What rational person is going listen to the gospel about God has been misrepresented to them as an hostile enemy Who is out to get them? The false words of judgment hurt their heart and close their minds to God's message.
I would like to give you an example from my own geographic area. But before I do, I want to remind you of a few things. First, remember that the devil desperately does not want people to turn to God and be saved. The devil is building his own kingdom, and he "looses territory" when people leave his kingdom to enter into God's. That is why he wants to do all he can do to blind people to the gospel.
Second, remember that all unsaved people are sinners in need of salvation. We tend to think of some types of sinners as "not that bad" and others as "much worse." But according to Romans 3:23, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:10 tells us, "There is none righteous, no, not one." That means that everyone without Jesus is a sinner in God's eyes and in need of salvation. That puts all sinners into pretty much the same boat, on equal ground. We shouldn't single some out as worse than others.
Furthermore, God's stand towards these sinners is spelled out clearly in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
In short, God wants to be saved by believing on Him. Jesus demonstrated that even while He was dying on the cross. A convicted criminal, probably a murder, said to him (in Luke 23:42-43) "'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.' And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.'" The same Jesus Who forgave this convicted felon is just as willing to forgive any sinner today to comes to Him.
The devil wants to alienate as many people as he can from God, to make them unwilling to listen to the gospel. One of the ways that he accomplishes this is by making certain ethnic groups, social groups, etc feel that Jesus hates them. He does that by releasing false words of condemnation and judgment against certain groups. As they hear this message of hate, the members of this group begin to hate the name of Jesus in response. Then they are not willing to listen to anything you have to say about the Lord. In short the devil singles out certain groups of sinners and makes them feel more alienated from God than other groups by releasing words of false condemnation against them. Do you see how that fits into the devil's purpose?
Let me give you an example. This is just one example, there are may other ones with many different people groups. Since I live in the San Francisco area, I want to show you what the devil has done to alienate the homosexual community from the gospel. Does the Bible call homosexuality a sin? Of course it does. But it also calls fornication and adultery sins. It does not differentiate between these, making one sexual sin worse than the others.
Sexual promiscuity is rampant in my area. Sex has become an accepted part of casual dating. Many married people commit adultery on a regular basis. Many high school aged children are sexually active, to the point where many high schools in our area give away condoms so their students can practice "safe sex."
There are straight people who do not practice sex outside of marriage. But they are considered a minority in this area. There is also a large gay community in this area. In fact, many gay families feel they are more sexually moral than the heterosexual community because many of them are committed to one partner and sexually active with only that person. (Please note that I am not excusing or endorsing this sin, I am merely letting you know what it is like in my area.) There are all sorts of sexual sin going on here, not just homosexuality. Yet the enemy has targeted one group in this area (the gays) to make them feel particularly hated by God.
The devil has been releasing all sorts of false words of condemnation against the homosexual community. Some of them came from the moral majority, who used to go on television to denounce this lifestyle. Their message was one of hate, of how God was going to judge and destroy all homosexuals. They misrepresented God to the gay community as a hostile, intolerant and angry creature who was out to get them. God's true feeling towards the gay community is the same as it is towards any other group of sinners, He loves them and wants to reconcile them to Himself, to save them and to bless them. But that truth was never presented to the homosexual community.
The devil used many sources to propagate his false judgment prophecy, he did not limit himself to just the moral majority. I can remember a time about twenty years ago when pretty much any weekend that I walked through golden gate park or through the downtown area or the tourist area, there was some nut standing on a soapbox with a megaphone prophesying God's hate to members of the gay community. They would prophesy the soon coming destruction of San Francisco, they would talk gleefully about homosexuals burning in Hell, and other stuff like that.
When AIDS first surfaced and a lot of people were dieing form it in San Francisco, false prophets were running around with their megaphones telling the homosexuals how AIDS is a judgment of God to destroy them. The church had a window of opportunity at that time to move in with the love of Jesus, to bring a message of home and maybe to start praying for those sick with AIDS and seeing them get healed and converted. But we did not take it. Instead the devil sent his false prophets in with the terrible message that sounded something like this: "God is killing you off because He hates you and we are glad that you are suffering and dying."
Is it any surprise that the gay community is San Francisco is hard to evangelize after the way they were treated by these false prophets? The devil used false words of judgment and condemnation to make the homosexuals in our area very resistant to the gospel.
This example gives you a pretty good idea of how the devil uses false judgment words to accomplish his purposes. He has done this over and over again, both on large and small scales. Let me give you another example.
This story was told to me personally by an elderly Jewish woman who hates the name of Jesus and won't listen to any attempts to share the gospel with her. When she was a young girl, she lived in Chicago, which was predominately Catholic at the time. Back then Catholics were taught to hate Jews because they crucified Jesus (an erroneous doctrine the Catholic church has since corrected). She was treated with prejudice on many occasions, but one instance really stands out in her memory.
When she was a young teenage girl, she was riding on a crowded bus, and many people were standing. She and her friend had boarded near the start of the route, so they both had seats, and she was sitting on the aisle. A middle-aged Catholic man walked up to her and demanded that she give him her seat, saying something along the lines of "A dirty Jew doesn't deserve a seat when good Catholic men are standing." She refused to give up her seat. So the man grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her out if it, then began prophesying about how God was going to destroy the Jews, how they would burn in Hell, etc. That hostility and false prophesy had such an impact on her that she still hates the name of Jesus fifty years later.