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Not all second heaven revelation comes in the form of visions of destruction. It can also come as a prophesy of judgment or impending doom. Let me give you an example from about two years ago. Someone submitted a word to me asking me to distribute it for them. They also wanted me to provide them with the email addresses of the nationally recognized prophets in the US so they could send it to them as well.
The attached note said, "Father God woke me up about an hour ago to give you this message... He told me not to wait on this, to send it immediately." And then proceeded to unleash a very harsh judgment word on the United States that predicted the collapse of the golden gate bridge and the physical destruction of all the judicial and court buildings. It went on to call politicians snakes and bloodhounds and it contained this warning "Tell My People to get out of the Courtyard, judicial law-Parliament Buildings. Tell anyone who will listen." It also said, "The United States and it's policies will come tumbling down if they are not followed by My instructions."
The word went on to unleash a whole bunch of judgments against the United States, giving great details to the strategies of the devil in the US government. I only read the first couple of paragraphs before I judged it as a false prophecy, e.g., not a God-word. I felt it was an example of second heaven prophecy.
As you know, second heaven revelation comes from the realm of the demonic. It usually gives great attention to demonic activity and caries all sorts of threats of destruction, judgment, gloom, etc. The purpose of this type of "word" is to frighten believers, and also to discourage them from doing the things God expects them to do to advance His kingdom, or to incite them to disobey God.
There are several problems with the word this person sent me. First, it is contrary to things God has been revealing through many of His prophets about His will. God is not calling the church to separate ourselves from the world judicial and government systems; He is calling us to infiltrate and transform them. This second heaven word asks us to act in direct conflict with what God has been instructing His church to do through many of His established prophets. That is a characteristic of a Second Heaven word--to lead you astray and to get you to do things contrary to God's will.
Second, there should never be such a sense of urgency in a word that we can't take the time to pray over a word and verify that it is really from the Lord. God commands us in His word (1 Cor. 14) to prayerfully judge prophetic words. I cannot imagine delivering a word of the magnitude of destruction and judgment of a whole nation lightly, without praying it through and assuring it is really from God. God would not have to wake up His prophet in the middle of the night and tell them to write and send the word immediately in great haste and urgency. God does not accidentally get behind schedule and have to rush to catch up. God knows all things long before they happen.
The nature of the prophetic is to give advance warning, so there is not usually a great haste to get a word out. God simply releases the word to the prophet at the right time to get it out in a manner that does not require great haste. That sense of extreme urgency of an upcoming "judgment" is classic symptom of a second heaven word.
Third, God does not usually use unknown and untried people to release words of judgment over whole nations. He would use a seasoned, established and respected prophet to speak a word of judgment of this scale. In other words, He would speak it through the prophets who He has already established into National prominence. In the case of the United States, it would be someone like Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, Bill Hamon and Cindy Jacobs, etc.
It is not God's style to give a word of that magnitude to someone who does not already have the capability to deliver it on a nationwide scale. This is another characteristic of a Second Heaven word--to release words of judgment and destruction through unseasoned and un-established prophets.
To summarize, a second heaven word is one that comes from the realm of the demonic. These words are generally released to incite fear and to get God's people to act/behave in a manner contrary to God's will. They are usually given to newer prophets who are not yet seasoned, because they are more likely to be taken in by the devil imitating God's voice to them. Most second heaven words of judgment or doom have the following characteristics:
How Do We Process Second Heaven Revelation?
First, we have to realize that not all supernatural revelation we receive comes from God, some of it can come from the devil. The other side can give dark revelation, and we need to know how to recognize it so that we won't be taken in by it.
The more experience we have, the less likely we are to be taken in by second heaven revelation, which often comes with a sense of great urgency. Someone who is newer in the prophetic is more likely to mistake the devils revelation as coming form God, and to try to act on it. Those who are more experienced have a better understanding of how God communicates to them because He has done so many times.
That is why the enemy often targets prophetic "beginners" or "newbees" for his messages of destruction. He knows that they will be more likely to be taken in by the false sense of urgency and the act on the revelation before waiting to hear clear directions from God. It is important for all of us, especially those who are just starting out, to be cautious in giving any word that does not conform to the 1 Corinthians 14 guidelines (to edify, exhort, comfort, strengthen and build up). When we get another type of word, we need to take what we hear back to God and wait for His confirmation and direction before acting on it. Haste is not appropriate. We must never allow ourselves to be driven by a the sense of urgency that we bypass the normal channels of pressing into God and judging the word before releasing it.
The newer we are in the prophetic, the more carefully we should test any seemingly negative or warning words before acting on them. In short, never rush into action. No "prophet" should ever speak for God before knowing what God wants to say and how He wants His message delivered. We should never act on any vision, no matter how strong or disturbing the vision is, until we have had a chance to go before the Lord and get direction from Him on how He wants that vision handled.
It also helps to realize that there are times when we are more susceptible to deception and times when we are less susceptible to it. E.g., we have have ups and downs in our relationship with God. We have times when we hear His voice more clearly and times where we don't. We have times when we enjoy greater levels of intimacy with God and times when He feels farther away.
We need to be aware that we are more susceptible to being taken in by false revelation when we are on the low end of our spiritual walk. That is because the closer we are to God, the easier it is to hear His voice and the quicker we will hear Him tell us that was false revelation from the enemy. That means that we need to move slower on any sort of negative or warning revelation when we are not in that place of our deep intimacy with God.
Of course, God expects all of His prophets press into Him and try to remain in that place of intimacy at all times. We need that so we can hear His voice clearly and not be deceived. Matthew 24:24 tells us that the devil will do his best to deceive God's elect. It says, "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible."
In real life, most of us have our ups and downs with God. So be sure to go slower to act on revelation when you are not in your "up." I take Matthew 24:24 to mean that it is possible for the devil to deceive us with false revelation if we are not in that place of intimacy and clear hearing of God's voice. Jesus told us ahead of time what the devil's plans are so that we won't fall suspect to them. I also believe that we are entering a season where false and demonic revelation will increase. As prophetic people, we must be very careful to hear clearly from God before we attempt to speak for Him. And we must walk close to Him so that we can hear Him clearly.