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Prophetic Mini-Course Series

Series Introduction and Course Overview

Announcing: On-Line Prophetic Training Series

The Prophetic School Training Mini-Course Series... a series of short classes and (teaching and discussion) that will be offered on the prophetic-school list. Various members of the leadership core teach 4 to 10 week courses on various topics relevant to the prophetic.

To Enroll in the Prophetic Mini-Course Series:

If you received this email from the prophetic-school list, then you are already automatically enrolled in this course. If this course annoucement was forwarded to you from a friend and you would like to receive this teaching, simply subscribe to the prophetic-school list. Lesson material (teaching) will be sent out on the list on Mondays. All course-related discussion will be on the prophetic-school list.

If you are not already subscribed to the prophetic-school list, send email to prophetic-school-join@godspeak.cc

Or you can subscribe to the list from a www page by clicking here.

The first lesson in the False Prophecy & Second Heaven Revelation series be sent out to the prophetic-school list on Monday, Jun 12, 2006. To join the course, simply subscribe to the list before then. Lesson material (teaching) will be sent out on the list on Mondays. All course-related discussion will be on the prophetic-school list.

If you are already subscribed to the prophetic-school list you don't have to do anything.. you are already enrolled in this training series.

WWW Information:

Leadership Core Bios
Mini-Course #38 Series

Course #38 description:

False Prophecy & Second Heaven Revelation
Teresa Seputis

Mondays, beginning June 12, 2006; lasts for 13 weeks.

Course Contents/Description:
The sad truth is that the enemy immitates many things of God, including the prophetic. This teaching series explores the demonic false prophetic so that you might become familiar with the enemy's tactics and not be taken in by them.

This series will take a breif look at non-demonic false prophecy, but it will concentrate mostly on the false revelation that the devil releases. It will explain why the enemy does this and what strategies he uses. This series will help the reader to discern and reject the false prophetic when they "judge prophesy" as per 1 Corinthians 14:29.

In particular, this series will examine:

  • Intentional deception and leading people astray
  • False Judgment words
  • Mainpulation and Control
  • Second Heaven Revelation
(The "Prophetic-School" list will continue to function as it has been with other discussion as well, centered around topics pertaining to the prophetic; but in addition to the "regular stuff" we will be giving and receiving feedback about the information contained in each weeks teaching article.)

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