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How To Hear The Voice Of God In A Noisy World, by Teresa Seputis
ISBN 0-88419-7557,
published by Charisma House Publishers, 1-800-451-4598
God is a communicating God. He loves to talk to His children and He wants each of us to know how to hear His voice clearly and accurately. In John 10:27, Jesus said that when we belong to Him, it is possible for us to hear His voice clearly and accurately. In other words, God wants to speak clearly and be understood clearly by each and every one of His children. He does not have any favorites, He desires to speak to each one of us. He desires to meet us in our everyday lives and speak to us about our day to day activities. He wants to talk to us about the big things and about the little things as well. He likes to become involved in every area. He wants us to know His voice clearly so He can speak to us in a detailed manner. If you are a child of God, if you have been born again and if you belong to Jesus, then you can hear God speak to you clearly and accurately. God expects that to be a normal part of our Christian walk.
It is God's very nature to be a loving Father who takes good care of His children (Matt 6:26) and He is a Father who loves to give us good gifts (Matt 7:11). In His role as a loving Father, God is a communicating Dad who enjoys talking with His children. It is God's heart of us to know and see the Father (John 14:7). In fact, He explicitly created us with "eyes to see and ears to hear" (Prove 20:12). In other words, God created us with a natural ability to hear Him. He did so because He wants to communicate with us.
Some of you may be asking, "if God created us with the ability to hear His voice, the why don't I hear Him?" The answer is simple, you have the ability to hear God's voice, but you have to learn how to use it. Let me give an example from sports. Babe Ruth was one of the baseball all time greats, so renowned for his skill that even people who don't like baseball know who he is. Some say that Babe Ruth was born with an innate ability for hitting home runs. He was born to be a baseball great. But Babe Ruth did not come out of the womb holding a bat and hitting a home run. He had to learn how to play the game; he had to learn how to swing the bat and make contact with the ball before he started hitting home runs.
Let me share another example. This one comes from nature. Most baby birds are born with an innate ability to fly, but they don't start flying until they are taught how to fly. The parent bird teaches them by pushing them out of the nest. When they feel themselves falling, they start flapping their wings and soon they are flying. So even though birds were created to be able to fly, they have to learn how to do so.
Likewise, you have been created to hear your Heavenly Father's voice. But you have to go through a learning process in order to recognize His voice with clarity and accuracy. God wants to take each of His children through that process. He wants you to hear Him when He speaks to you!
Remember that it is God's very nature to be a communicating Father. So He can and will communicate with His children even before they learn how to hear His voice clearly. God is so interested in communicating with His children that He speaks to us on a regular basis even before we learn how to discern His voice. He has a way of making Himself clear so that we get the message He is communicating.
This teaching series will look at some of the ways that God communicates with us. The goal of this teaching series is to help you recognize some of those areas where God has already been talking to you. Some of you will be surprised and pleased to discover that you have already been successfully hearing God. Hopefully, this will motivate you to want to hear Him even more clearly and accurately, and you will begin taking steps to foster that process.
[Please note that large portions of this teaching series were taken from chapters 3 and 4 of my book "How to Hear The Voice Of God In A Noisy World." The book is published by Charisma House Publishers and the ISBN is 0-88419-7557. The book goes on to explain how to learn to hear and recognize God's voice more clearly, so that He can speak directly to us in great detail and clarity. If you would like learn to hear and recognize God's voice, I recommend that you read this book.]
You'd be amazed at how many of God's children don't think that they can hear God speak to them. However, God's great desire to communicate to His children is so great that He finds ways to get through to each of us no matter what our level of hearing is. God loves to talk to us, and His ability to communicate with us is much greater than our ability to hear wrong; God has a way of getting His message across. In fact, He has many different communication mechanisms that He can choose from. I bet He has already used some of them on you. This teaching series can't possibly cover them all, but it will look at some of them. As you read this teaching series, I invite you to take a mental inventory how many of God's communication mechanisms you have already experienced.
Here are just a few of the ways God speaks to us and leads us:
The following lessons will examine each of these communication methods in detail. It is my hope and desire that you will recognize many of them from your own interactions with God -- that you will find He has been speaking and communicating with you on a regular basis.